Monday 23 May 2011

Pokemon Leaf Green/Fire Red Full Game Walkthrough (Part 2)

A Huge City
Celadon City is the largest city in this game. Its PokeMart has six stories; no wonder it needs an elevator! They sell all sorts of things. You'll be able to buy TMs and normal items (such as Potion and Antidotes) on the second floor. On the third floor, you'll see many people playing Game Boy Advances. Talk to the person at the register, a Move Tutor, and he'll teach one of your Pokemon the move Counter. The fourth floor has many evolution stones you can buy to evolve certain of Pokemon (ex. Eevee) for $2100 each. On the fifth floor, you'll be able to buy items such as X Attack and Calcium. These are items that modify a Pokemon's stats so they can do better in battle. Finally, you'll reach the rooftop, where you'll find three vending machines and two people, including a little girl. Get a Fresh Water, a Soda Pop, and a Lemonade from the vending machine, and give it to the little girl one at a time. She'll give you TM16 - Light Screen, TM20 - Safeguard, and TM33 - Reflect, respectively, for your drinks.
Celadon Mansion
There is huge building to the right of the department store that's nearly empty inside. Talk to the old lady who's surrounded by Pokemon on the first floor. She'll give you Tea, which you can give to any one of the Saffron City guards so they can let you through. You'll also find the game's programmers in this building, one of which will tell you to return after getting all the Pokemon. He'll give you a diploma for catching all the Pokemon.
Now leave the mansion, and go in through the back door. Go all the way to the rooftop, where you'll find a small building. Inside you'll find a person and a PokeBall on the table. Pick it up; it's an Eevee!
Other Stuff
The restaurant south of the Game Corner has a man who'll give you a Coin Case to carry your coins. There is an old man to the left of the Game Corner, and van be reachede only by surfing across the water. He's a Move Tutor, and can teach your Pokemon Softboiled.
Game Corner
Now go to the Game Corner, a place full of slot machines and people on them. Team Rocket made it, and you win or buy coins in order to trade it in for Pokemon and TMs in the building to the right of the Game Corner. A few people will give you free coins, and there are invisible coins scattered on the ground that you can pick up. At the top of the Game Corner, battle the Rocket member, and push the button on the poster. A staircase leading to the basement appears.
Team Rocket's Hideout
After that, you'll be going through four floors, battling Rocket members and collecting valuble items. There is a spin maze on the second basement floor (B2F). The arrows in the maze will toss you in whichever direction the arrow points. Here, you'll pick up a few items including a Moon Stone and TM12 - Taunt. On B3F, you'll find TM21 - Frustration and Blackglasses, which boosts the power of Dark Pokemon. There is another spin maze on this floor where you can pick up a Rare Candy. Head to B4F, where you'll find TM49 - Snatch. Battle the single Rocket member at the top, and he'll drop the Lift Key for the elevator. Take the elevator on B2F to B1F. Battle the Rocket member, and take the elevator again to B4F. Go all the way to the left, and pick up the Calcium. Head up to the two Rocket guards and talk to them. They'll fight you, and after you're through with them, they'll open the gates.
The Boss
Walk through the entrance, and you'll face Giovanni, the head of Team Rocket, in an intense match. He has a lv. 25 Onix, a lv. 24 Rhyhorn, and a lv. 29 Kangaskhan. A Grass or Water-type Pokemon would work out fine fighting this guy. However, beware of his Kangaskhan, as it can be very powerful. After beating Giovanni, he'll disappear, and leave behind a Silph Scope. This is used to detect Ghost Pokemon.
Gym Battle!
After beating Giovanni in the Game Corner, head to the gym by cutting the tree. Here you will battle Erika and other trainers (many of which you can avoid, who all use Grass-type Pokemon. Erika is the trainer in the middle between the two trainers inside the enclosed area. She has a lv. 29 Victreebel, a lv. 24 Tangela, and a lv. 29 Vileplume. If you choose a Fire Pokemon as a starter, then beating her would be very easy. Even if you didn't choose a Fire-type starter, a Psycic or Ground Pokemon would come in handy, since Victreebel and Vileplume are weak against those types. Beating her earns you TM19 - Giga Drain and the Rainbow Badge! Next, head to Lavender Town's Pokemon Tower with your Silph Scope.

Once you get to Lavender Town, go into the Pokemon Tower. Head up the stairs, picking up items and battling scary looking women. Right before you reach the stairs that leads to the top floor, you will be stopped by the ghost of a dead Marowak. It was a mother of a Cubone, and was killed by the evil Team Rocket. Defeat her to calm her spirits (you cannot catch her).
At the top floor, you'll be fighting three Rocket members. They will leave one by one after you defeat them. At the end, you'll find an old man, known as Mr. Fuji. Talk to him, and he'll transport you to his house, where he'll give you a PokeFlute.
Locations (Pokemon Tower)
  • Cubone
  • Ghastly
  • Haunter
Now go back to Celadon City, and head west to Route 16.

Catching A Big One
Cut the tree and battle the two couples in a two-on-two match. Head through the building to get to the other side and then go into the small house. Inside, a little girl will give you HM02 - Fly. Go back and cut the tree again to get back to the other side. A fat roadblock, a lv. 30 Snorlax, is blocking the road to Saffron City. Save your game, press "A", and the PokeFlute will begin to play. Snorlax soon wakes up, probably angry at what you just did. Try to catch this Snorlax, which can be quite difficult. Even if you accidently made him faint and you didn't save the game, there's one more Snorlax in the game.
After either capturing or defeating the Snorlax, go through the Guard House for an Amulet Coin from one of Prof. Oak's aides if you've captured at least fourty Pokemon. After that, go to any Guard House that leads to Saffron City. The guard will drink your Tea, and then will let you through.
Rockets In Silph Co.
The first thing you'll notice when you get to Saffron City is that it's a pretty big city. The next thing you'll notice is that everywhere you go, you'll find Team Rocket members. The first problem to take care of in this city is Team Rocket. To get Team Rocket out of the city, go to the Silph Co., the large window filled building with a member of Team Rocket next to it. Now you must go through eleven floors, fighting Team Rocket, and in the end, saving the company's president.
The first floor is empty. Go up a floor by taking the stairs at the top-right corner. Remember, your goal is to reach the top floor and save the president. However, you cannot go directly to the top floor. Also, keep in mind that you will be finding warp squares on the ground. Stepping on them will take you to different places in the building. If you want to go through all this faster, then take the elevator to the 5th floor. However, I suggest that you go up the floors one by one, as you may miss out on valuable items.
Once on the 5th floor (if you chose to go there right away), go left and down all the way until you see a warp square. Step on it, and it'll take you to the 9th floor. Step back on it, and you'll return to where you were. Proceed by going to the right, where you'll find an Itemball containing the Card Key, which is used to open any locked door in the Silph. Co. Now that you've gotten this important item, you can explore the Silph Co. by battling Team Rocket and picking up a couple of items, including TMs. There's even a Move Tutor who'll teach your Pokemon Thunder Wave on the 2nd floor. Open all the locked doors just for fun, and because you simply can, and try every warp square. If you ever need to heal your Pokemon, you can do so on the 8th floor by sleeping on the bed.
When you're done exploring, head to the 3rd floor, and open the door on the left with your Card Key. Take the warp square in the first room, and you'll be teleported to a room on the 7th floor. Here, Gary will challenge you to a battle. As usual, Gary's team has gotten stronger, and hopefully, your Pokemon can take care of him. After defeating him, talk to the Silph Co. employee in the same room and he'll give you the Pokemon Lapras. Use the other warp square to get the the 11th floor. Go into the enclosed area, and Giovanni will challenge you to a match.
Giovanni has the following Pokemon: a lv. 37 Nidorino, a lv. 37 Rhyhorn, a lv. 35 Kangaskhan, and a lv. 41 Nidoqueen. After defeating him, Team Rocket will leave the building and the city. Go to the old man sitting on the sofa, and talk to him. He's the president of Silph Co., and he'll give you the Master Ball. There is only one Master Ball in the whole game, and it catches Pokemon 100% of the time. Now that this problem is taken care of, get out of Silph Co. and head north to the Fighting Dojo.
Fighting Dojo
You'll be challenged by four trainers inside the Fighting Dojo. They all use Fighting Pokemon, who are weak against Psychic and Flying Pokemon. After challenging the four trainers, the leader, who has lv. 37 Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, will challenge you to a match. After defeating him, you will be able to take a free Hitmonlee (left PokeBall) or Hitmonchan (right PokeBall). After this, it's time to go to the real gym to get your fifth badge.
Mind Control
The real gym is right next door of the Fighting Dojo. The trainers here use Psychic Pokemon, so Dark Pokemon/attacks will be quite effective here. This gym is filled with warp squares that take you to different rooms, and in order to get through them quickly, follow these steps once you reach the first room.
  1. Take the only warp square.
  2. Take the bottom-left warp square.
  3. Take the bottom-left warp square again.
  4. Take the top-right warp square.
  5. Take the bottom-left warp square.
  6. You should be in the gym leader's room.
Sabrina is the gym leader, and she has powerful Psychic Pokemon. You'll be battling a lv. 38 Kadabra, a lv. 37 Mr. Mime, a lv. 38 Venomoth, and a lv. 43 Alakazam. All these Pokemon are female, even the Mr. Mime! After defeating Sabrina, she'll give you TM04 - Calm Mind and the Marsh Badge.
There are two ways to reach the next city, which is Fuschia City. One way is to start from Celadon City and go through Routes 16, 17, and 18. This will take you through the Cycling Road, and is the prefered route for most people. The other way to get to Fuschia is to start at Lavender Town, and go along the coast through Routes 12, 13, 14, and 15. 
Route 16, 17, and 18
Going through to Cycling Road is the faster solution to getting to Fuschia City. To begin, go west from Celadon City onto Route 16. Go through the Guard House, and you'll be on the Cycling Road (you must have a bike!). On this road, you go downhills, which means that your bike will move by itself without any action from you. However, if you try to go up the hill, you will be going very slowly. There are many Bikers that you can fight on this road, which takes up Routes 16 and 17. After a long bit of biking, you'll reach Route 18.
Go through the Guard House after reaching Route 18. A trainer on the second floor will trade you his Lickitung for your Golduck. Route 18 is real short. After a few steps, you'll arrive at Fuschia City.
Locations (Route 16)
  • Doduo
  • Rattata
  • Raticate
  • Spearow
Locations (Route 17, 18)
  • Doduo
  • Fearow
  • Rattata
  • Raticate
  • Spearow

Some people may choose to do things the harder way. The other way to get to Fuschia is slower and longer. To begin, fly to Lavender Town. Go south onto Route 12. Go to the second floor of the Guard House, where a little girl will give you TM 27 - Return. For the rest of the route, you'll be battling Fishermen. You'll also be able to fight two lovers in a two-on-two match.
Around halfway through Route 12, you'll encounter another sleeping Snorlax who's blocking the road. You must use your PokeFlute to wake him up and catch it or defeat it. There's a house on this route with a Fisherman inside who'll give you the Super Rod, which is the best Rod in the whole game. After that, you can cut a tree, fight the trainer that's enclosed, and pick up an Iron. After going on Route 12 for a long time, you'll soon begin traveling on Route 13.
Route 13 is mainly a maze filled with trainers. This maze is quite easy to get through, and most of the trainers can be avoided. Route 13 ends when the maze ends, and marks the beginning of Route 14. Route 14 is simply going south. You'll have another opportunity to have a two-on-two match with the Twins. After a short Route 14, you'll get to Route 15. You can find TM18 - Rain Dance by cutting the tree and going all the way to the end. Here, you'll be able to fight in another two-on-two match with Fighting Pokemon. One of Prof. Oak's aides is in the Guard House that marks the end of Route 15. If you have captured at least fifty Pokemon, he'll give you an Experience Share. This is a very useful item in that it shares battle experience with all the Pokemon on your team. Finally, you'll arrive at Fuschia City.
Locations (Route 12)
  • Bellsprout
  • Gloom
  • Oddish
  • Pidgey
  • Venonat
  • Weepinbell
Locations (Route 13, 14, 15)
  • Bellsprout
  • Ditto
  • Gloom
  • Oddish
  • Pidgeotto
  • Pidgey
  • Venonat
  • Weepinbell
Home of the Safari Zone
Fucshia City is the home of the Safari Zone, an area filled with capturable wild Pokemon. Right now, you can visit the Move Deleter's house, which is located right next to the Pokemon Center, to delete an unwanted move. Visit the house next to the house with the mailbox for a Good Rod. We'll visit the Safari Zone later. For now, we need to fight the gym leader of this city's gym.
Invisible Walls
It's time for you to get your sixth badge in the Fuschia Gym. However, getting to the gym leader may not be as easy as you think. The gym is filled with invisible walls. You have to walk around and figure out which areas you can go through and which ones you can't. Start on the right side, with the trainers serving as markers. Although they are invisible, a close observer would see that white dots mark the outlines of the walls.
Soon, after trial and error or by getting around the dots, you'll reach Koga, the gym leader. He has two lv. 37 Koffing, a lv. 39 Muk, and a lv. 43 Weezing. Psychic Pokemon will work best against Koga's Pokemon. After beating four tough Pokemon, Koga will award you with TM06 - Toxic and the Soul Badge. In order to leave, you must go through the walls again.
Now that you've defeated Koga, you're only two more badges away from eight! For now, put the thought of getting the last two badges away, because we need to go into the Safari Zone for some item searching.
Enter The Safari Zone
Go into the Safari Zone, which can be found in the northern part of the city. It'll cost $500 to get into the Safari Zone. They'll give you thirty Safari Balls, which is used exclusively to capture Safari Zone Pokemon. Your mission now is to find the Surfer's House, which is deep inside the Safari Zone, and get HM03 - Surf. Your other mission is to find Gold Teeth. You have 600 steps before your time runs out; good luck!
Important items contained in Itemballs in the Safari Zone include the Gold Teeth, Leaf Stone, Protein, TM11 - Sunny Day, TM47 - Steel Wing, and TM32 - Double Team. After finding the two "mission" items listed above, head to the Warden's house (the house with a mailbox next to it) in the eastern part of the city. Give the Warden the Gold Teeth, and he'll give you HM04 - Strength. Teach the new HM to a Pokemon, and move the boulder that's blocking the Itemball. Then pick up the Rare Candy.
Locations (Safari Zone)
  • Chansey
  • Doduo
  • Exeggcute
  • Kangaskhan
  • Nidoran (F)
  • Nidoran (M)
  • Nidorina
  • Nidorino
  • Paras
  • Parasect
  • Pinsir
  • Rhyhorn
  • Scyther
  • Tauros
  • Venomoth
  • Venonat
Your trip to Fuschia City is over. Now that you have Surf, you'll be able to catch two legendary Pokemon: Articuno and Zapdos.
To catch Arituno, you must go south from Fuschia City, and go west through the sea routes of 19 and 20. There are many swimmers waiting to battle you. You'll get past them pretty quickly. Soon, you'll arrive at one of the two Seafoam Islands.
Locations (Route 19, 20)
  • Tentacool
  • Tentacruel

Once you enter, go right and push the boulder into the hole using Strength. Go to the other side (past the first ladder you see), and push the other boulder into the other hole. Go back to the original hole, and fall into it. Keep on pushing the boulder and following it (falling into the holes with the boulder) until you reach the water. Once you do, the current will take you to another level. Go up onto the land, left, and down all the way for an Ultra Ball. Take the only ladder to another level. Follow the path south and you'll find a puzzle involving a few holes and plenty of boulders.
Push the only boulder that you can push left all the way left so that it doesn't block your way. Next, push the single boulder into the hole. Now you'll have to work on the last two boulders. Push the one on the right all the way up, and find a way to push the other boulder into the other hole. Now jump into that hole. You'll reach another level. Surf up, and you'll meet Articuno.
After the encounter with Articuno, go onto land and take the ladder. Go down afterwards and take another ladder. Go right and pick up the Pearl. Go right to take another ladder that'll lead you to a Water Stone. Come back, go up the steps, and take the ladder. Push the boulder that you've pushed in the beginning into holes and follow it. Do this until you reach water. The current will be blocked, and you'll be able to go onto land. Follow the path, and soon, you're out of the Seafoam Islands!
Locations (Seafoam Islands)
  • Dewgong
  • Golbat
  • Psyduck
  • Seel
  • Slowpoke
  • Slowbro
  • Weezing
  • Zubat

Power Plant
Before you go to catch Zapdos, make sure that you have plenty of Ultra Balls, Great Balls, and preferably, a Pokemon that can put another Pokemon to sleep or paralysis. Fly to Route 10, go north from the Pokemon Center, and begin surfing in the water. Surf all the way south until you reach land. You have reached the Power Plant. Deep inside here, you'll find Zapdos.
The Power Plant is filled with Electric Pokemon and many Itemballs. Some of these Itemballs are actually Electrode trying to trick you into picking them up. The most they'll do is some damage. Don't be afraid of running into an Electrode; try to pick up every Itemball to make sure that you don't miss any items, especially TM25 - Thunder and the Thunderstone. The Power Plant is pretty easy to navigate. Soon, you'll find a lv. 50 Zapdos. Here's a tip that a trainer must always follow: save the game before fighting it, and restart the game to catch it again if you make it faint.
Locations (Power Plant)
  • Electabuzz
  • Electrode
  • Magnemite
  • Magneton
  • Pikachu
  • Voltorb

Fly to Pallet Town, and go south onto Route 21. Surf all the way south. Soon, you'll reach Cinnabar Island.
Locations (Route 21)
  • Tangela
Volcanic Island
Cinnabar Island is a small island that's packed with buildings and full of things to do. On this island, you'll find the typical Pokemon Center and PokeMart, a gym, the Cinnabar Mansion, a research center, and two people standing outside. The first thing we'll do is go into the Pokemon Lab.
Fossil Resurrection
You received either a Helix Fossil or Dome Fossil earlier in the game in Mt. Moon, and an Old Amber too. Now you can bring these fossils to life in the Pokemon Lab, an oval-like building. Find it, and go inside. The first room has two people who'll trade Pokemon with you. The old man will trade you his Electrode for your Raichu (what a bad deal!), and the lady will trade you her Tangela for your Venonat. There's a Move Tutor in the second room who will teach Metronome. Talk to the scientist in the third room, and he'll resurrect your fossils. Wait for a while and come back. He'll have an ancient Pokemon ready for you after a bit of walking.
Pokemon Mansion
You'll notice that the Cinnabar Gym is locked. The key that'll unlock the door can be found in the Pokemon Mansion.
The Pokemon Mansion is an old mansion just above the Pokemon Center. Once you're inside, head straight and then up the stairs, which will take you to the second floor. You'll find Zinc and Calcium on this floor. After picking up the items, head to the northwest corner of the floor, and take the stairs to the third floor. Go all the way right and pick up the Iron. Go back and press the switch on the statue. Go down, and you'll see a scientist. Go past him and fall through the larger broken floor. You'll then fall into another section of the first floor. Fight the Scientist and go near the stairs. Pick up the Carbos, and go downstairs into the basement.
In the basement, go into the room to your left, and switch the Mewtwo statue so that's its eyes aren't glowing. Head up into another room to pick up TM14 - Blizzard. Flip on the Mewtwo statue in the other room to pick up two items. One of them is the Gym Key, which unlocks the Cinnabar Gym; the other is TM22 - Solar Beam. Now that you've gotten what you came for, it's time to leave this mansion and go to the gym.
Locations (Cinnabar Mansion)
  • Ditto
  • Growlithe
  • Magmar
  • Grimer
  • Raticate
  • Rattata
  • Vulpix
  • Weezing
Quiz Time At The Gym
Before you fight the Gym Leader of Cinnabar Gym, you must go past six trainers. You will either answer a question right to get pass them without a battle, or you'll have to battle them. To answer a question and get to the next room, you must go to the Quiz Machine, and answer "Yes" or "No" to the question asked. Here are the answers to all six quizes: Yes, No, No, No, Yes, No.
The gym leader's an old, bald man named Blaine. He uses powerful Fire Pokemon. Use Water Pokemon to put Blaine's Pokemon out. He has the following Pokemon: a lv. 42 Growlithe, a lv. 40 Ponyta, a lv. 42 Rapidash, and a lv. 47 Arcanine. After defeating Blaine, he'll give you TM38 - Fire Blast and the Volcano Badge.
Sevii Islands
Right when you exit the gym, Bill will come to you and ask you for help. If you want to help him, he'll take you aboard a ferry and bring you to the first Sevii Island. There are seven Sevii Islands in total. The Sevii Islands contain legendary Pokemon and Pokemon from the Johto region. A victory at the Cinnabar Gym gives you access to the first three islands. The next four islands can be accessible only after defeating the Elite 4. If you choose to go with Bill, then click Next for the guide on the first Sevii Island. If you want to get your eigth badge, click on Viridian City Pt. 2 on the right sidebar.
One Island
Right after arriving on the first Sevii Island, also known as Knot Island, Bill will take you to the Pokemon Center and lead you to a huge machine with his friend, Celio, standing next to it. Bill tells you that the machine is broken, and he needs you to find the parts to fix the machine. He gives you a Meteorite from Mt. Moon, a Tri-Pass for ferries to get the One, Two, and Three Island, and a new addition to your Town Map that contains a map of the Sevii Islands.
Heal your Pokemon and get out of the Pokemon Center. Surf in the northeast direction. You'll reach land almost immediately. In this area, known as Kindle Road, you'll be battling trainers and catching Pokemon. There are Itemballs behind breakable rocks, which can be broken using Rock Smash. Head north and enter the Ember Spa. Inside is a hot spring where you can heal your Pokemon by dipping yourself in the water. Talk to the old man next to the waterfall to get HM06 - Rock Smash.
Locations (One Island)
  • Fearow
  • Golduck
  • Gyarados
  • Horsea
  • Persian
  • Ponyta
  • Psyduck
  • Rapidash
  • Slowbro
  • Slowpoke
  • Tangela
  • Tentacool
  • Tentacruel
Head north from the cave with the hot spring, and you'll reach a beach. Surf north, and you'll reach Mt. Ember. Here, you'll be able to catch Moltres.
After going inside the mountain, head left and push the boulders away using Strength. Follow the path and smash the rocks. Next, you'll see three sets of stairs. Take the the left or center stairs and go left. Fight the trainer, and go into the entrance right up ahead.
There's only one way to go in here, so it's pretty easy to navigate. Once you get out, take the stairs up. Go to the left side for a hidden Fire Stone in a boulder below the stairs. Another Fire Stone can be found by solving the easy boulder puzzle on the right side. After getting both Fire Stones, head up the stairs again. Now you'll face another puzzle, this one a little bit more difficult than the last one, but still isn't difficult at all. After getting through the puzzle, a lv. 50 Moltres awaits you.
Locations (Mt. Ember)
  • Geodude
  • Graveler
  • Machoke
  • Machop
  • Magmar
  • Slugma
Fly back to the island's Pokemon Center from Mt. Ember, and go south. You'll reach the dock where you first arrived at the island. Take the Ferry to Two Island.

Two Island, or Boon Island, is simply a small village. Once you get onto the island, go east into a nice looking tan colored house with a blue roof, the Game Corner. This Game Corner isn't like the Game Corner in Celadon City with slot machines; this place let's you play mini games called Pokemon Jump and Dodrio Berry-Picking with a friend. A little girl's father will ask you to save his daughter, Lostelle. This rescuing is all done on Three Island. For the guide on Three Island, click on "Next" below.
For now, you can go all the way north to the Move Tutor's house, located in a small region called Cape Brink. This Move Tutor teaches your starter Pokemon moves for free. She teaches one of three moves, depending on your starter Pokemon: Frenzy Plant (Grass), Blast Burn (Fire), or Hydro Cannon (Water). These moves all do 150 damage, which is a lot. Be sure to have your starter in the first slot before talking to the Move Tutor.
Locations (Two Island)
  • Bellsprout
  • Fearow
  • Gloom
  • Golduck
  • Gyarados
  • Oddish
  • Persian
  • Poliwag
  • Poliwhirl
  • Psyduck
  • Rapidash
  • Slowbro
  • Slowpoke
  • Spearow
  • Weepinbell
Now you'll need to go to Three Island to save the man's daughter.
Saving The Girl
Once you arrive on Three Island, also known as Kin Island, you'll see a woman surrounded by Bikers of the Kanto Rider Federation. Go north and you'll see even more Bikers. You'll have to fight four Bikers consecutively. After defeating the fourth, the Bikers will leave. Talk to the nearest person for a Full Restore. Go all the way to the north and cut the tree on your right. Go down for a Zinc. Go west into the grassy areas, known as the Bond Bridge. Follow the path: get past the grassy area, bridge, and the beach, and go into the forest.
Locations (Three Island)
  • Bellsprout
  • Gloom
  • Krabby
  • Meowth
  • Oddish
  • Persian
  • Pidgeotto
  • Pidgey
  • Psyduck
  • Rapidash
  • Slowpoke
  • Spearow
  • Tentacool
  • Venonat
  • Venomoth
  • Weepinbell
This forest requires a lot of tree cutting, but is pretty easy to get through. It's not necessary to cut tress at all, but it does make your trip faster. Go to the very end of the forest, where you'll find a little girl. That's Lostelle, the girl you've been trying to find. Talk to her, and she'll tell you a Pokemon has been scaring her. Then you'll find yourself fighting a lv. 30 Hypno. After defeating/capturing/running from the wild Hypno, Lostelle, who was picking Berries, will give you an Iapapa Berry. After that, you'll be taken back to the Lostelle's house on Two Island. Talk to the Lostelle's father to give him your Meteorite, and he'll give you a Moon Stone. Mini games can now be played in this house (the Game Corner) through the use of a Wireless Adapter.
Locations (Berry Forest)
  • Drowzee
  • Hypno
  • Pidgeotto
  • Pidgey
  • Psyduck
  • Slowpoke
Go back to One Island and talk to Bill, who's still inside the Pokemon Center. He'll take you back to Cinnabar Island. Whenever you want to access the Sevii Islands again, simple go to the port in Vermilion City to take the Ferry. It's now time to get your final badge, which takes us to Viridian City.
Back For The Final Badge
You're back in Viridian City. You were here when you first began your journey; now you're here for your eigth and final badge. Go into the Viridian Gym, where you'll see a familiar maze. You've seen this spin maze in Team Rocket's Hideout in the Game Corner, and you're about to go through another one. This maze is pretty easy, and you'll wind up with the gym leader somehow.
The gym leader is Giovanni. As you know already, he's the leader of Team Rocket. He uses a lv. 45 and lv. 50 Rhyhorn, a lv. 42 Dugtrio, a lv. 44 Nidoqueen, a lv. 45 Nidoking. Water-type attacks can take care of his Pokemon pretty easily. After defeating Giovanni, he'll give you TM26 - Earthquake, and your final badge: the Earth Badge. Afterwards, he will leave, and so will you.
Now that you have all eight of your badges, it's time to go to the Pokemon League, where you'll face the Elite Four, the toughest trainers yet. Now you must heal your Pokemon and head west from Viridian City onto Route 22.

Gary will come to battle you in the same spot where you battled him on this route last time. The last time you fought him here, his Pokemon were weak. Now, however, you should really watch out. All of his Pokemon are near or above lv. 50, so your Pokemon should be trained to about the same level. After beating Gary, follow the road and head west into the Pokemon League's Front Gate, which takes you to Route 23. You'll go through eight guards, each checking for one of the eight badges. After getting past all eight guards, you'll reach the cave known as Victory Road.
Locations (Route 23)
  • Arbok
  • Ekans
  • Fearow
  • Mankey
  • Primeape
  • Sandshrew
  • Sandslash
  • Spearow

Once you get in, you'll see a boulder. Use Strength to push that boulder to the ground switch on the right. Now head up the stairs, and go on until you see two other stairs between a trainer: one on the left and one on the right. Take the stairs on the right for a Rare Candy and TM02 - Dragon Claw. After getting the items, take the stairs on the left, and go up the ladder.
Go down and push the boulder onto the switch. Go up the stairs, and head east. If you choose to go down the stairs, you'll find TM37 - Sandstorm. No matter what you do, you'll need to go up the ladder located at the very end of this level. Before you take the ladder, be sure to pick up TM07 - Hail above the ladder.
Once you reach the next level, push the boulder you see up two times, and all the way west onto the switch. The Itemball you see contains TM50 - Overheat. Now head back to where you came from, and go up the stairs. Go all the way west, down the stairs, and all the way east. Push the boulder down the hole, and jump in with it. Push the boulder to the switch on the left. Head up the stairs, and then the ladder. Then you'll encounter a two-on-two Pokemon battle. Take the other ladder, go right, and you'll find a Move Tutor who teaches Double Team. Finally, you can exit Victory Road.
Locations (Victory Road)
  • Arbok
  • Geodude
  • Golbat
  • Fearow
  • Machoke
  • Machop
  • Marowak
  • Onix
  • Primeape
  • Sandslash
  • Spearow
  • Zubat
After all that, you'll reach the Indigo Plateau, where you'll fight in the Pokemon League.
Pokemon League
You'll definitely want to heal your Pokemon once you get into the Pokemon League building. Go into the PC, and draw out any Pokemon you want to use during battle. Stock up on some essential items, such as Full Restore and Revive. After that, save the game in case you lose, and talk to the official standing by the entrance. Go inside, and get ready to battle the Elite Four!
The first member of the Elite Four is Lorelei. She uses Ice and Water Pokemon. Her Pokemon are listed below:
  1. lv. 52 Dewgong
  2. lv. 51 Cloyster
  3. lv. 52 Slowbro
  4. lv. 54 Jynx
  5. lv. 54 Lapras
The second member of the Elite Four is Bruno. He uses Fighting and Rock Pokemon. His Pokemon are listed below:
  1. lv. 51 Onix
  2. lv. 53 Hitmonchan
  3. lv. 53 Hitmonlee
  4. lv. 54 Onix
  5. lv. 56 Machamp
The third member of the Elite Four is Agatha. She uses Ghost and Poison Pokemon. Her Pokemon are listed below:
  1. lv. 54 Gengar
  2. lv. 54 Golbat
  3. lv. 53 Haunter
  4. lv. 56 Arbok
  5. lv. 58 Gengar
The fourth member of the Elite Four is Lance, also known as the Dragon Champion. He uses Dragon Pokemon. His Pokemon are listed below:
  1. lv. 56 Gyarados
  2. lv. 54 Dragonair
  3. lv. 54 Dragonair
  4. lv. 58 Aerodactyl
  5. lv. 60 Dragonite
After battling the Elite Four, you might think it's over. But it's not over the yet; it's time to face the real champion: Gary!
Gary's the champion. He has a full team of strong Pokemon. Defeating him requires a lot more strategy than the Elite Four. Below are his Pokemon.
  1. lv. 61 Pidgeot
  2. lv. 59 Alakazam
  3. lv. 61 Rhydon
  4. If you chose Bulbasaur, then he has a lv. 61 Exeggutor, lv. 63 Gyarados, and a lv. 65 Charizard.
  5. If you chose Charmander, then he has a lv. 63 Exeggutor, lv. 61 Arcanine, and a lv. 65 Blastoise.
  6. If you chose Squirtle, then he has a lv. 63 Arcanine, lv. 61 Gyarados, and a lv. 65 Venusaur.
The Hall of Fame
After defeating Gary, Prof. Oak will come to talk to you. After a short conversation, he'll lead you into the back room, and enter your Pokemon and yourself into the Hall of Fame. You are now a Pokemon Master!
After you and your Pokemon have been honored, you, Gary, and Prof. Oak will leave the building. Immediately afterwards, the credits will start to roll, and you'll be running home. You've completed the game. All you have to do now is sit back and watch the ending. Well, if that was what you thought, then you're wrong! The game isn't over yet!
What More Is There To Do?
The game will restart itself, and you'll be back in Pallet Town. If you've captured more than sixty Pokemon now, Prof. Oak will upgrade your PokeDex, along with Gary's. After the upgrade, you'll find a "National" section, which can display up to 386 Pokemon. With this PokeDex, you can explore the rest of the Sevii Islands and catch Johto Pokemon (Pokemon that appeared in Gold/Silver/Crystal versions).
Of course, that's not all. After defeating the Elite Four, the legendary beasts from Gold/Silver/Crystal will appear randomly in Kanto. The legendary beast that will appear will depend on the starter Pokemon you chose. Either Entei (Bulbasaur), Suicune (Charmander), or Raikou (Squirtle) will appear. They are all at lv. 50, and are very hard to meet and catch.

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