Back On The Knot
In order to truly finish the game, you'll need to explore all of the Sevii Islands. To begin, go talk to Celio, Bill's friend on One Island. To get there, take the Ferry from Vermilion City. If you forgot, Celio's in the Pokemon Center. Celio asks you to help him find a gem that'll make his Pokemon trading machine work. Go to Mt. Ember to find the gem.
In Search of the Gem

Go to Mt. Ember, and go right after going up the stairs. You'll find two Rocket members talking to each other about the secret passwords ("Goldeen need log"), blocking an entrance. Go up to them and battle both of them. They'll leave after you defeat them. Go inside the cave and follow the path. You'll go through a boulder puzzle, and then reach a fork in the road. Take the south road; the other road takes you out. The next room is full of Braille messages. Go on to the next room.
Pick up the Ruby in the center of the room. Leave Mt. Ember, and go back to Celio. Hand him the Ruby, and he'll want you to go onto another mission. You'll hand him your Tri-Pass, and he'll give you the Rainbow Pass, used for exploring the rest of the islands. Now take the Ferry to Four Island.

Once you arrive at Four Island, also known as Floe Island, Gary will first come to talk to you. First, go north a bit and break the rock. Keep going north for a Star Piece. Return to where you were and go to the house next to the PokeMart. Talk to the person inside, and he'll apply a Hall of Fame Sticker to your Trainer's Card. In the upper-right hand corner of the island is a house with a Move Tutor inside. He teaches Body Slam. Next to that house is the Day-Care Center. Leave your Pokemon here to let them breed or raise their levels. Next, you surf across the pond for a Stardust, and then surf to the other side to enter the Icefall Cave.
Locations (Four Island) |
- Gyarados
- Poliwag
- Poliwhirl
- Marill
- Psyduck
- Slowpoke
- Wooper

Once you're in Icefall Cave, surf across the water and go deeper. In this room, you'll find a puzzle with many blue ice tiles. They are just thin pieces of ice that crack the first time you step on it, and break the second time. This is a fairly easy puzzle. You want to get to the bottom-right corner of this room, where you'll find HM07 - Waterfall. You want to fall through certain holes to get to the HM, and after some trial and error, you'll get to it.
After getting the HM, teach it to a Pokemon, exit this room and go up the waterfall. Go up the ladder, into the entrance, and you'll find Lorelei defending the Pokemon of this cave from Team Rocket. She'll then drag you into the argument, and you'll have to fight a Rocket member. After the battle, the Rocket member tells you that they've kept the stolen Pokemon in the Rocket Warehouse on Five Island. The Rocket Warehouse requires two passwords, and you only have one from eavesdropping on two previous Rockets. Instead of going to Five Island now, you'll need to first go to Six Island to find out the other password.
Locations (Icefall Cave) |
- Delibird
- Golbat
- Gyarados
- Lapras
- Seel
- Shellder
- Sneasel
- Staryu
- Swinub
- Zubat
Six Island
Six Island is also known as Fortune Island. This is a pretty large island, and takes some time to explore. First go behind the Pokemon Center for a hidden Leppa Berry. Then head north into the Water Path. After that, you'll find yourself in the Green Path, and soon, the Pattern Bush. Your final mission is to find the second password to the Rocket Warehouse.
Locations (Six Island) |
- Bellsproute
- Fearow
- Gloom
- Gyarados
- Meowth
- Natu
- Oddish
- Persian
- Poliwag
- Poliwhirl
- Psyduck
- Sentret
- Slowpoke
- Spearow
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Weepinbell
- Wobbuffet
- Yanma

Pattern Bush is a part of Green Path. It's a sort of forest with a ton of wild Pokemon and trainers. You want to go to the southwest corner of Pattern Bush to get out. After you do, surf north. You'll be going through a group of islands called Outcast Island, and soon you'll reach a cave with a Rocket member standing outside. This is the Altering Cave, and the only Pokemon inside are Zubat. However, the Pokemon changes if you use Mystery Gift. There isn't much to do here except for catching the Pokemon in the cave. Now either fly back or walk back to Six Island.
Locations (Pattern Bush) |
- Caterpie
- Heracross
- Kakuna
- Ledyba
- Metapod
- Spinarak
- Weedle
Locations (Altering Cave) |
- Aipom
- Houndour
- Mareep
- Pineco
- Shuckle
- Smeargle
- Stantler
- Teddiursa
- Zubat
Go east and then south into the patches off grass. Look around in the empty spots in the grass for Berries. Surf straight down for a Dragon Scale. Surf up a little, go on land, head west, and you'll be in Ruin Valley.

Ruin Valley is pretty short, and is easy to get through. Eventually, you want to get to the place shown on your left. Use Cut to open the door, and you'll get into the cave, called the Dotted Hole. The first step is to jump into the hole. Afterwards, take the north hole, west hole, east hole, and south hole to reach what you've been searching for: the Sapphire gem. After getting it, a Team Rocket scientist comes, takes your gem, and tells you the second password: "Yes, nah, Chansey". Now that you know the other password, head to Five Island.
Five Island
Five Island, also known as Chrono Island, is where the Rocket Warehouse is located. However, before you start messing with Team Rocket, there's other better things to do. Surf west into the Water Labrynth, and you'll find an old man on land. Talk to him, and he'll give you an Egg that contains Togepi. Next, go east in the Water Labrynth to reach the Resort Gorgeous section. You'll reach another peice of land with some trainers and an empty house. Continue east and you'll reach the Lost Cave.
Locations (Five Island) |
- Gyarados
- Hoppip
- Kingler
- Krabby
- Meowth
- Persian
- Pidgeotto
- Pidgey
- Psyduck
- Qwilfish
- Remoraid
- Sentret
- Shellder
- Slowpoke
- Staryu
- Tentacool

This is a confusing cave filled with fog, and exits that never seem to go where you want to go. Follow these wise steps to navigate the cave: Go right, up, down, down, right, left, down, right, and up. After that, you'll reach Lady Selphy, who'll battle you with two lv. 49 Persian. After defeating her, she'll take you to her house, which was the empty house you passed by earlier. Go talk to her when you have the Pokemon she wants to see, and she'll give you a Luxury Ball. For items in the Lost Cave, go back and follow these steps for the items you want (begin at the start):
Lax Incrense - right, down
Max Revive - right, up, down, down, right, right
Rare Candy - right, up, down, down, right, left, down, left
Sea Incense - right, up, down, up
Locations (Lost Cave) |
- Gastly
- Golbat
- Haunter
- Misdreavus
- Murkrow
- Zubat
Rocket Warehouse

After taking care of all that, it's time to face Team Rocket. Either fly or walk back to the Pokemon Center, and go south from there. After a while, you'll reach Rocket Warehouse. Go inside, and you'll see that familiar spin maze. Play around with the maze, and as you do, be sure to pick up important items such as TM36 - Sludge Bomb and Up-Grade. You want to reach the Scientist in the upper-right hand corner. Fight him, and he'll give you back the Sapphire. Be sure to press "A" against the box in this room for a Nest Ball. You're finally finished with the Rockets!
Now exit the Rocket Warehouse and surf west. Go up and pick up the PP Up. Now surf east a little to get to Memorial Pillar.

Battle all the people on the strip of land, and surf south a bit more. You'll reach a larger island with a huge stone in the middle and a Metal Coat on the left. The huge rock is the grave of the trainer's Onix, Tectonix. If you leave a Lemonade there, the trainer will give you TM42 - Facade.
Now that everything's taken care of, go to One Island and hand Celio the Sapphire gem. With that, the machine is fixed, and now Pokemon from Ruby and Sapphire can be traded to FireRed and LeafGreen. In addition to that, you'll be able to fight the Elite Four again, and will also be able to catch Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave in Cerulean City. If you fight the Elite Four again, they'll have stronger Pokemon, and you can do that on your own time. Now, it's time to catch the strongest Pokemom: Mewtwo!
To get to the Cerulean Cave, first take the Ferry to Vermilion City, and then fly to Cerulean City. Go north into Route 24, and surf south from there. After a short bit of surfing, you'll find the entrance to a cave. This, is the Cerulean Cave.

The Cerulean Cave is filled with the strongest wild Pokemon. It's quite an interesting place to navigate, because it feels like you'll never reach where you want to go. As you go towards Mewtwo, you'll pick up many items and meet many powerful Pokemon. After going through a maze like structure several times, you'll find Mewtwo between two rocks.
Mewtwo is a lv. 70 Psychic Pokemon, the strongest Pokemon in the game. This is the time to use your Master Ball, and hopefully, that wasn't used already. If your Master Ball was used on some other weaker Pokemon, then you better prepare for the hardest Pokemon capturing ever. Mewtwo is nearly impossible to catch. However, it is possible, and you'll need many, many Ultra Balls and a Pokemon that'll lower Mewtwo's HP to nearly nothing and to put it to sleep. After catching Mewtwo, you should be proud to be the owner of the most powerful Pokemon in the world of Pokemon!
After getting Mewtwo, go back to Vermilion City and go to the port. Now this walkthrough will take you to the last Sevii Island: Quest Island.
Seven Island

Seven Island is the last of the Sevii Islands. There are two places to visit: the Trainer Tower and the Tanoby Ruins. Once you get to the island, go north to check out the Trainer Tower. Here, you must go through eight levels of trainers to reach the top and claim your prize. Battling the trainers here will neither give you experience nor money. These battles are timed, so try to do your best. The level of the Pokemon here will match the level of your highest level Pokemon.
Locations (Seven Island) |
- Cubone
- Fearow
- Gyarados
- Horsea
- Larvitar
- Mantine
- Marowak
- Meowth
- Onix
- Persian
- Phanpy
- Psyduck
- Seadra
- Sentret
- Skarmory
- Slowpoke
- Spearow
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
After having some fun in the Trainer Tower, fly or walk past Seven Island's Pokemon Center, and start going south. Once you reach the bridge, talk to the guy with the blue hair. He's a Move Tutor, and will teach Swords Dance. Keep on going south, and you'll soon reach Sevault Canyon.

Just follow the road and you'll know where to go. First, you'll battle two Cooltrainers. Go down the stairs to their left, and enter the cave called the Tanoby Key. Here, you'll solve a puzzle, shown in the screenshot to your left. As you can see, there are a total of seven rocks, three on top and four on bottom. Using strength, push the top middle boulder all the way up onto the hole. Next, push the other two boulders to the corresponding upper left and right holes. Then push the bottom row of the bottom boulders to their corresponding holes, and do the same with the last two. After all the boulders are in their place, there will be an earthquake. Now Unown will be available to catch in the Tanoby Ruins in the South.
Leave the cave and continue to go south. Along the way, there's an Itemball surrounded by rocks and boulders. That turns out to be a King's Rock. After that, you'll find a small house. Inside, talk to the man so you can dance the "Chansey Dance" to heal your Pokemon. The item on the table is Lucky Punch. Go south a bit afterwards, surf, and you'll reach the section of Seven Island known as the Tanoby Ruins.
The Tanoby Ruins are composed of seven mini-islands each containing a few different types of Unown. There's even two new Unown (! and ?), making the total number of Unown twenty-eight.
PLEASE NOTE: this walkthrough was copied from
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