Monday 23 May 2011

Pokemon Leaf Green/Fire Red Full Game Walkthrough (Part 1)

Starting The Game
Welcome to the world of Pokemon on Pokemon FireRed and Pokemon LeafGreen. This is a remake of the original Pokemon RPGs, so many things are alike. The game starts with a cool intro that is almost exactly like the intros in the original games. It then prints instructions on which buttons does what. After reading what the game has to say, you'll see Professor Oak (Prof. Oak from now on), talking about Pokemon. He first wants you to know if you're a boy or a girl, and then allows you to choose your name. Then you'll choose your rival's name. After a bit of talking with the Professor, you'll find yourself in your bedroom in the peaceful Pallet Town.
The first thing you want to do is go to your PC at the top-left hand corner of your room and take out the Potion. This restores 20 HP, and will be helpful real soon as you're about to find out. Go downstairs, talk to your mom, and go outside. Go north into the grass area. Prof. Oak will come to tell you that it's dangerous to go on without a Pokemon. He'll take you to his lab, where your rival (known as Gary from now on) is waiting. He asks you to choose a Pokemon. Go to the table with the three PokeBalls and choose the Pokemon of your choice.
Choose Your Pokemon

#001: BULBASAUR (Grass)
A cute little frog-like Pokemon that can launch powerful attacks. This is the best choice for beginners, as it can take on the Pokemon in the first four Gyms easily.
#007: SQUIRTLE (Water)
A turtle loaded with gallons of water. The level of difficulty of choosing Squirtle is medium. It has certain advantages in the beginning, but begins to have disadvantages faster than Bulbasaur.
#004: CHARMANDER (Fire)
Little fire-breathing salamander. The hardest Pokemon to choose because of the many disadvantages in the beginning. However, it will become very powerful later on.

Each Pokemon has its own advantages in the game, so choose wisely. It is suggested that beginners choose Bulbasaur, since it's a Grass-type and is strong against the Pokemon in the first Gym, which are Rock-type. After choosing your Pokemon, Gary will come over to the table and choose his Pokemon, which will have an advantage over your Pokemon. For example, if you were to choose Bulbasaur, Gary will choose Charmander. He'll talk to you afterwards, and as you leave, he'll challenge you to your first battle.
Be careful during this first battle, as Gary's Pokemon is stronger than yours, even though you both have lv. 5 Pokemon. The Potion may come in handy now. During this battle, you'll constantly be interrupted by Prof. Oak's tutorials. The good thing about this battle is that you get some money if you win, and your Pokemon's level is instantly raised to 6.
Now leave the city and go North into Route 1 and towards Viridian City.
Try to level up in this route. When you get damaged, be sure to either go back to your house for a free healing from your mom, or to the Pokemon Center in the next city. Talk to the first person you see for a free Potion. Sooner than you think, Route 1 is coming to an end.
Locations (Route 1)
  • Pidgey
  • Rattata
The First City
The first thing to do at Viridian City is to go northwest into a narrow corrider. You'll find an Itemball there which contains another Potion. There's not much to do in this city right now. Go to the PokeMart now, and the salesclerk will give you Oak's Parcel for Prof. Oak. Note that you cannot purchase anything for now.
There isn't much else to do in Viridian City. After you get Cut later in the game, you can cut a tree in the southeastern part of the city to get to a fat guy. He's a Move Tutor, and will teach your PokeDream Eater. But you don't have to worry about that now. For now, go back to Pallet Town. For a quicker way to get across Route 1, you can jump over the ledges to avoid wild Pokemon.

Back In Pallet
Once you're back in Pallet Town, go to Prof. Oak in his lab, and hand him the Parcel. Gary will come in the lab again. Prof. Oak will then give both of you PokeDexes, essential tools to identify Pokemon. Prof. Oak will then give you five PokeBalls for you to catch Pokemon.
Leave the lab and go to Gary's house, which is the one that's right next to yours. You'll find Gary's sister, Daisy, sitting at the table. Talk to her and she'll give you a Town Map. After that, it's time to leave Pallet Town forever (well, not really) and head to Viridian City.

Battle On Route 22
Go west once in Viridian City to get to Route 22. Here, you'll be able to fight Gary once more. His Pokemon (two of them now) are a little tougher than before, so be careful when you battle him! The good thing is that you gain a lot of experience points after battling his Pokemon.
Locations (Route 22)
  • Caterpie
  • Pidgey
  • Rattata
  • Weedle
After the intense battle, you may buy things at the PokeMart or heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center. After making sure that your Pokemon are at least lv. 10, head north towards Route 2. Before you go there, an old man will first show you how to catch Pokemon. After catching a Weedle, the old man will give you something called the Teachy TV. Watch it when you need answers and help with certain things.
Route 2 is quite short, and cannot be fully accessed until later in the game when you have the Cut HM. After walking in Route 2 for a while, you'll soon reach the Viridian Forest, a maze of trees full of bug Pokemon and a few trainers hoping to battle you. It takes a while to get through this large forest, as many trainers and wild Pokemon are itching for a fight. This is when a Charmander, Pidgey, or Spearow comes to good use. After catching a few bug Pokemon (and maybe even a Pikachu), finding a few items, and having a few intense battles, you'll arrive in Pewter City.
Locations (Viridian Forest)
  • Caterpie
  • Kakuna
  • Metapod
  • Pikachu
  • Weedle
Your First Badge
The first thing to do when you arrive at Pewter City is to heal your Pokemon, and buy some Potions and other useful items to prepare for your first gym battle. When you've got everything taken care of, you're ready to get your first badge.
Go into the Gym and you'll first fight a trainer. He uses Rock-type Pokemon, just like the gym leader. After that, save your game and fight with Brock, the leader of the Pewter Gym. All he has is a lv. 12 Geodude and a lv. 14 Onix, but you're going to have a hard time with a Charmander. Using Bulbasaur or Squirtle is a peice of cake. After you beat Brock, you will get TM39 - Rock Tomb and a TM Case. This is a Key Item that can be accessed to view a list of your TMs in order to teach it to a Pokemon. Of course, he'll give you what you really came for: the Boulder Badge. From here on, there's seven more badges to go.
Now what do you do? Well, there's really not much to do now in Pewter City. The museum here is a waste of time and precious money; it'll only be worth a visit later in the game when you get Cut. You can then Cut your way into the house next to the museum, and obtain an Old Amber, which can be ressurected into an Aerodactyl. Leave the city through the East. Before you can leave though, one of Prof. Oak's aides will come up to you and give you a pair of Running Shoes! Hold "B" while moving in any direction to speed up your traveling.

On Route 3, you'll meet a whole bunch of trainers waiting to crush you with lv. 10+ Pokemon. Luckily, if your Pokemon have high levels, you'll be able the crush them instead. Although there are many trainers, there are plenty of them that you can avoid. However, I would suggest that you get a lot of experience early in the game by fighting every trainer you see.
At the end of Route 3, you'll see a Pokemon Center. Go in there and heal your Pokemon. Inside, a guy will sell you a Magikarp for $500. Even though it'll soon evolve into a strong Gyarados, I suggest that you don't buy that, and fish for a Magikarp later instead. After going out of the Pokemon Center, you'll be at the foot of Mt. Moon.
Locations (Route 3)
  • Jigglypuff
  • Mankey
  • Nidoran (F)
  • Nidoran (M)
  • Pidgey
  • Spearow

Mt. Moon is a maze with a few trainers and some good items. None of the starters have a good advantage in here, as the Pokemon here are of many different types. Here, you'll find TM09 - Bullet Seed, TM46 - Thief, two Moon Stones, a Rare Candy, and other less important items. Note that there are many hidden items that can be found in boulders that look different from surrounding boulders. Among the trainers you will battle are a few members of Team Rocket, trying to mess around in Mt. Moon. If you are lucky, you'll find a rare Clefairy.
When you've finally reached the end of Mt. Moon, you'll see two shell-shaped fossils. One is the Dome Fossil (which can be turned into a Kabuto), and the other one is the Helix Fossil (which can be turned into an Omanyte). A trainer owns both of them, and he will fight you. Beat him, and he'll share a fossil with you. You can only take one of them, not both. After taking your fossil, it's time to leave Mt. Moon.
Locations (Mt. Moon)
  • Clefairy
  • Geodude
  • Paras
  • Zubat

There isn't much on Route 4 except TM05 - Roar and two Move Tutors who teach Mega Punch and Mega Kick. After you get through this route, head on to the next city.
Locations (Route 4)
  • Ekans
  • Mankey
  • Sandshrew
  • Spearow
The City of Water
After a long walk in the wilderness, you finally arrive in civilization. This is Cerulean City, home of the second Gym. Heal your Pokemon and stock up on items. You won't be battling in the Gym first. Your rival, Gary, is waiting patiently for you. Let's not make him wait too long!
The Battle With Gary
Go north from Cerulean City towards Nugget Bridge, on Route 24. Gary will come and greet you, and will challenge you to a battle. He has the following Pokemon: lv. 17 Pidgeotto, lv. 15 Rattata, lv. 15 Abra, and lv. 18 of his starter Pokemon. This should be a much more challenging match than the last one. A Pikachu (can be caught in Viridian Forest) would help out a lot if you chose Charmander as your starter. This is because both Pidgeotto and Squirtle, the toughest Pokemon on Gary's team, are weak to Pikachu's attacks.
After one real tough battle, Gary will give you a Key Item known as the Fame Checker. This is used to identify trainers whom you've previously battled. Go back to town now and heal your Pokemon, and continue traveling on the Nugget Bridge.

There are six trainers on Nugget Bridge that you must fight to get past. The sixth trainer is actually a member a Team Rocket. Beat him, and he'll give you a Nugget that you can sell for $5,000. At the end of the route, you'll find TM45 - Attract. The fun on this route hasn't ended, although you can choose to go on to the next route. If you do feel like battling, however, then challenge the trainer in the grass area. After that, go on to Route 25.
Locations (Route 24)
  • Abra
  • Bellsprout
  • Caterpie
  • Kakuna
  • Metapod
  • Oddish
  • Pidgey
  • Weedle

There are tons of trainers waiting to battle you on Route 25. Behind one of those trainers you will find TM43 - Secret Power. But that isn't the main reason you've come upon this route. You want to meet a scientist named Bill. Go all the way to the end of Route 25, and you'll arrive at a house called Sea Cottage. Go inside, and you'll see a Clefairy. It turns out that something went wrong with Bill's experiment, and the Clefairy is actually him. Talk to him, and he'll go inside his machine. Press "A" against his computer, and he'll be transported to the other end of the machine. Finally, he'll come out as Bill, a human scientist. Talk to him again, and he'll give you a S.S. Ticket for the S.S. Anne in Vermillion City. Now that that's taken care of, it's time to go back to Cerulean City and challenge the gym leader!
Locations (Route 25)
  • Abra
  • Bellsprout
  • Caterpie
  • Kakuna
  • Metapod
  • Oddish
  • Pidgey
  • Weedle

Water War
Cerulean City is the city of water. Naturally, Water Pokemon are what the trainers in the Gym use. There are two trainers you must battle before battling the gym leader, Misty.
Misty uses a lv. 18 Staryu and a lv. 21 Starmie on you. A Charmeleon under lv. 25 without any assistance would most certainly lose now. Of course, it's a totally different story with a Ivysaur. After beating Misty, she'll give you TM03 - Water Pulse and the Cascade Badge.
Now you can leave Cerulean City by going to the house with a policeman outside in the north-eastern section of the city. 
Battle With Rocket Member
The house is a mess inside, because a Team Rocket member in the backyard has dug into their house. Fight that Rocket, and you'll get TM28 - Dig. It not only is a decent ground attack, but also takes the place of an Escape Rope.
Now that you're on the other side, go south, and you'll find a house. That's the Day Care Center. The old man inside will raise your Pokemon's level ($100 for each level) if you leave it with him. The only bad thing is that your Pokemon might learn some unwanted moves, and delete moves that you want. The good thing is, if you were to leave a weak Magikarp with him, and walk for a while, it'll be able to evolve in no time into a powerful Gyarados! I highly suggest that you catch a Meowth on Route 5. Meowth is a special Pokemon in that once in a while an item mysteriously attaches to it. Many times the item is a Berry, but the items are not just limited to Berries. The entrance to Saffron City is closed, so you'll have to detour through the Underground Path to the next route.
Before entering the Underground Path, talk to the little girl if you want to trade your male Nidoran for her female Nidoran. You'll walk a long walk in the dark Underground Path. Soon, however, you'll see the daylight of Route 6.
Locations (Route 5)
  • Bellsprout
  • Meowth
  • Oddish
  • Pidgey

Route 6 has six trainers waiting to fight but you can get by with fighting only two of them if you want. There's a lot of grass but no new Pokemon. Head to Vermilion City since once again the entrance to Saffron City is closed. Go all the way south, and you will arrive at Vermilion City.
Locations (Route 6)
  • Bellsprout
  • Meowth
  • Oddish
  • Pidgey
Things To Do At Vermilion
The house at the north-western corner has a Fisherman who'll give you an Old Rod, which allows you to catch Magikarp. Go south a bit, and you'll find two houses to the left. One of the houses is where you can trade a Spearow for a Farfetch'd. The other house is the Pokemon Fan Club. Talk to the chairman inside to get a Bike Voucher.
In the Pokemon Center, talk to the girl standing in front of the counter for a VS Seeker. This device allows you to rechallenge trainers who have trained their Pokemon to be even stronger than the first time you battled them. To activate the VS Seeker, simply stand around a couple of trainers and select the item. Trainers who are hoping around are the ones who will battle you again.
Now go back to Cerulean City, get yourself a bike from the Bike Shop, and come back in style!
All Aboard The S.S. Anne!
The S.S. Anne may seem small, but it's huge inside. It can be found by going south of Vermillion City, and "flashing" your S.S. Ticket to the guard. If you explore each and every room inside, you'll find tons of trainers and quite a few items. A girl in the second room from the right on the main deck can heal your injured Pokemon. In the ship's kitchen, you'll be able to find your first Berries, three of them to be exact, in the trash cans. From now on, all Berries will be stored in your new Berry Pouch. To end your stay at the S.S. Anne, fight Gary on the second floor.
After beating him, go up to the captain's cabin. He's seasick and puking. Rub his back and he'll give you HM01 - Cut. Now leave the ship. When you're outside, the ship will sail away. Remember: if you don't get Cut, the ship won't leave. If you want the S.S. Anne to stay, lose to a trainer after getting Cut. Now teach Cut to one of your Pokemon, and you're ready to go to the gym.
A Shocking Battle
Cut the tree blocking the path to the gym and go inside, where you'll face a few trainers who use Electric Pokemon. Now comes the hard part: Lt. Surge, the gym leader, has put electric locks on the door that leads to him, so you'll have to solve a puzzle. There are a bunch of trash cans. Press "A" on every one of them until it says that you've found and flipped a switch. You need to flip two switches for the door to open, so you'll need to find the second switch. The second switch is always either is always either above, beside, or below the first one. If you get it wrong, the switch will be reset, and you'll have to do everything over again. This is a very tricky and sometimes annoying puzzle, but hopefully, you'll get it sooner or later. And when you do open the doors, it's time to fight Lt. Surge.
Lt. Surge has the following Pokemon: a lv. 21 Voltorb, a lv. 18 Pikachu, and a lv. 24 Raichu. Beating him with a Ground-type Pokemon is as easy as tossing a PokeBall, and catching one is easy too. You can catch a Diglett or even a Dugtrio in the nearby Diglett's Cave. If you beat him, he'll give you TM34 - Shock Wave and a Thunder Badge.

If you go east from Vermilion City, you'll find Diglett's Cave on Route 11. This cave is no maze. It's simple to go through since there's only one road. There are no items to pick up. The only Pokemon you'll find are Diglett and the occasional Dugtrio. Head inside and go to the other end to go back to Route 2 for some important business.
Locations (Diglett's Cave)
  • Diglett
  • Dugtrio

Back On Route 2
After you exit the cave, you'll revisit Route 2. But this time, it's the other half of the route that you weren't able to explore before. Go south, and you'll find a house. Inside, a guy is willing to trade his Mr. Mime for your Abra.
The next house has one of Prof. Oak's aides in it. If you've collected ten or more Pokemon he will give you HM02 - Flash. It's used to illuminate dark caves and tunnels. Keep on going for two items.

Go back through the cave and go east when you get out. You'll be on Route 11. There are many trainers, many items, and a whole lot of grass. When you reach the gate, one of Prof. Oak's aides will be upstairs. If you have caught up to thirty Pokemon, he'll give you an Item Finder. This item helps you detect hidden items that cannot be seen. There's also another trainer that'll trade you a Nidorina for a Nidorino. You can't go to the other side since there's a Snorlax blocking the way. Now go back to Cerulean City and cut the tree that was blocking the way. Then you'll get onto Route 9.
Locations (Route 11)
  • Drowzee
  • Ekans
  • Sandshrew
  • Spearow

Route 9
On Route 9 you'll be battling many trainers. Here, you'll find TM40 - Aerial Ace. To reach the end of this route, just keep on going east, where you'll arrive at Route 10.
Locations (Route 9)
  • Ekans
  • Sandshrew
  • Rattata
  • Spearow

Route 10
Route 10 is short for now. You'll see some water. When your Pokemon learns Surf, it can surf to the Power Plant, just south of Route 10. Make sure that you have taught one of your Pokemon the Flash HM in order to enter Rock Tunnel.
There's a Pokemon Center for you to heal your Pokemon here. One of Prof. Oak's aides is here. If you've caught at least twenty Pokemon, he'll give you the Everstone. Let your Pokemon hold the Everstone, and they won't evolve.
Locations (Route 10)
  • Ekans
  • Sandshrew
  • Spearow
  • Voltorb

Rock Tunnel requires that your Pokemon know Flash, otherwise, you'll only be able to see a tiny bit. Like Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel is a maze. There are items, trainers, and new Pokemon here. Here, you'll meet a Pokemon every eight to ten steps, which is more than normal. Use Repel if you don't want to meet too many wild Pokemon. After you exit the tunnel, you'll fight a few trainers, and will then be heading to Lavender Town.
Locations (Rock Tunnel)
  • Geodude
  • Machop
  • Mankey
  • Onix
  • Zubat
The Ghostly City!
Lavender Town has no gym, so you won't be able to do much here. Later though, you can catch Ghost Pokemon in the Pokemon Tower when you get a Silph Scope. Without it, your mission in the tower won't be complete, and all the Ghost Pokemon won't be identified. For now, you can battle Gary in the tower on the second floor. Gary's team now greatly varies depending on who you chose for your starter at the beginning of the game. Once you get the Silph Scope, you'll find Mr. Fuji at the top of the foggy tower, and he'll give you a PokeFlute that's used for waking up Snorlax and other Pokemon.
Now, visit the Name Rater if you want to, who'll be able to change the name of your Pokemon. Then shop for new items in the PokeMart. Finally, go west to Route 8.

Route 8 has trainers and new Pokemon. On Route 8, you'll have your first two-on-two battle with the Twins. Saffron City still can't be accessed, so go inside the Underground Path.
Locations (Route 8)
  • Ekans
  • Growlithe
  • Meowth
  • Pidgey
  • Sandshrew
  • Vulpix

Route 7
There's not much to do in Route 7. The guards are still thirsty, so go on to Celadon City.
Locations (Route 7)
  • Bellsprout
  • Growlithe
  • Meowth
  • Oddish
  • Pidgey
  • Vulpix

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