Sunday 29 May 2011

Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald Full Walkthrough (Part 2)

Lilycove City
Heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center, and you'll find your rival in front of the Lilycove Department Store behind the Pokemon Center. After beating her, go to the Lilycove Museum, and talk to the old man blocking the staircase. He'll take you upstairs and tells you he needs paintings to be hung on the second floor. You can also check out the Lilycove Department Store. It have five floors full of items, and a rooftop with a vending machine. At the ground floor, you'll be able to get a free Lottery Ticket once per day. If the ticket's number matches your Pokemon's ID number in a certain way, you'll be able to get a prize.
To the right of the store is the Move Deleter's House. Here you can delete unwanted moves, and even HMs! Keep on going right, and talk to the old man. He'll give you aPecha Berry. Go down, and into the house with the old man standing outside. Talk to the only person inside, and he'll give you TM44 - Sleep. After all that, leave the city through the west exit. Keep on going west until you reach the dock.

Surf east and then south. You'll soon reach Mt. Pyre. Talk to the old lady to get a Cleanse Tag. A Pokemon holding it will ward off wild Pokemon. Go up the stairs to battle all the trainers, and get all the items.
Go downstairs and head out through the exit at the left. You'll see an Itemball, and it contains TM 48 - Skill Swap. Climb all the way to the top. As you climb, strong fog comes out. There are many tombstones with hidden items, so you can try to look for some. Also as you go up, you'll be fighting Team M/A members. Talk to the leader, and he'll go away. Here's the story. On Mt. Pyre, there's the Red Orb and the Blue Orb. One of the has been taken by Team M/A, depending on your version (Ruby: Blue Orb taken; Sapphire: Red Orb taken). The old lady will give you the other orb that hasn't been taken. Now fly to Slateport City.
Locations (Mt. Pyre and Route 122)
  • Chimecho
  • Duskull
  • Magikarp
  • Meditite
  • Pelipper
  • Sharpedo
  • Shuppet
  • Tentacool
  • Vulpix
  • Wailmer
  • Wingull

Stolen Submarine!
Go to the shipyard with a whole bunch of people around it. Talk to the person blocking the doorway, and he turns out to be Capt. Stern, and is being interviewed. While your talking, you'll hear Team M/A talk through the megaphone. They're trying to steal the submarine, and you'll need to follow Capt. Stern.
The PokeBlock Case
Now head to the Contest House in Slateport City. Talk to the little girl inside, and she'll give you a PokeBlock Case. Now you can mix Berries and get into the Safari Zone! To test it out, go to the Berry Blender where the two people are standing next to. Here you can make PokeBlocks. Here's how to do it: When you arrow comes to your marker, simply press "A". Yep, it's that simple! Afterwards, a PokeBlock is made! To feed a PokeBlock to a Pokemon, open it up in the bag, and choose thePokeBlock that you want.
Now fly back to Lilycove City.

This is an optional route. That means you don't have to go there. It's Route 123, and is located south of Mt. Pyre. Once you get there, cut the tree to your right. Go up to fight a trainer, and then go down for a Rare Candy. Go west, then north by cutting the trees. You'll see an empty spot in the grass. Press "A" to it, and it turns out to be a Super Repel. Right below that is an Elixir. After that, the road splits into two, and eventually comes back as when when you reach a small house.
This is the house of the Berry Master, an old man who'll give you a Magost Berry and a Grepa Berry if you talk to him. Talk to his wife, choose a word, and she'll give a Sitrus Berry. Next to their house is a wide variety of Berries for you to take. After walking a bit more, you'll reach Route 118. Now fly back to Lilycove City.
Locations (Route 123)
  • Duskull
  • Gloom
  • Kecleon
  • Linoone
  • Magikarp
  • Mightyena
  • Oddish
  • Pelipper
  • Poochyena
  • Shuppet
  • Tentacool
  • Wailmer
  • Wingull
  • Zigzagoon

Team M/A's Hideout: Quite a Puzzle
Make sure you heal your Pokemon first. Then go east from Lilycove City, and you'll soon reach the beach. Surf north from there, and you'll find a cave, which turns out to be Team M/A's Hideout. A member will come out to battle you after walking a bit. Go into to entrance, and you'll see two white circles. Take the right one to get a Max Elixir. Come back out and take the left one. Keep on walking, and you'll be battling two members. After that, go all the way west to the white circle that's below the one you just came in through. You will see three circles here. This time, it's a puzzle. Go to the one on the left. Then go left again, then once more. When you get the the final row on the bottom, go to the circle on the far left. You will be taken to a room with four Itemballs. However, the first two items are actually lv. 30 Electrode. The other one is a Nugget, and then comes the thing you've been waiting for. The other item is a Master Ball! Now you can catch any Pokemon without any effort. Once you get all that, go back north using the same type of pattern, and go to the room with the two trainers again. Go to the circle on the right, and go into the entrance. You'll see a member running around, so fight him. Go to the circle on the bottom, get the Nest Ball, go back, and go to the circle on the right of the room. Go upstairs now, and you'll be challenged to a battle immediately after walking a few steps. Take the only other entrance, fight the member, and take the only other circle.
Here, you'll see an Admin guarding the submarine. After beating him, the submarine will leave, and you'll need to leave too by taking the bottom circle. After coming out, you'll notice that all the Team M/A people have left, so you can go east on the sea route of Route 124.

These two routes are real short. All you have to do is keep on going east, and before you know it, you'll arrive at Mossdeep City. But once you get there, don't go on land. Instead, go north after hitting Route 125.
Locations (Route 124)
  • Chinchou
  • Clamperl
  • Magikarp
  • Pelipper
  • Relicanth
  • Sharpedo
  • Tentacool
  • Wailmer
  • Wingull
There, you'll find the Shoal Cave, and two girls are standing near it. Go in, surf up, and get into the entrance. As you surf, you'll see a blue item. Pick it up, and you'll find that it's a Shoal Shell. There's another Shoal Shell close by. Continue up, then left, and then down. You'll find an Itemball with a Rare Candy. You'll also two more Shoal Shells. Go straight down after getting the second one, and you'll find a Big Pearl. If you bring the old man four more Shoal Salt, he'll make you aShoal Bell. Now you can get out of here, and go south to Mossdeep City.
Locations (Route 125 and Shoal Cave)
  • Golbat
  • Magikarp
  • Pelipper
  • Relicanth
  • Sharpedo
  • Snorunt
  • Spheal
  • Tentacool
  • Wailmer
  • Wingull
  • Zubat
City of the Seventh Gym
There is quite a lot of things to do here in Mossdeep City. Heal your Pokemon now, and maybe visit the Mart. On the raised land in the eastern part of the city is a Fisherman's house. Talk to him, and he'll give you a Super Rod. Then go into the Space Center (the large green building), and talk to the first person you see. He'll give you a Sun Stone. Then you can go to the house in the upper-left hand corner of the city. It's Steven's house. He'll give you HM 08 - Dive. With this, you can dive underwater. But before you can use it, you must get your seventh badge.
Psychic Puzzle
This is a Psychic Gym, so be prepared with something that you think can defeat powerful Psychic Pokemon. Step on the triangles on the left side of the room. You will automatically be moved in front of a trainer. Next, move one space up and one space left onto more triangle. These take you a long way, and you'll fight another trainer. Next, walk one space down and three spaces to the right, which will lead you to another trainer. Press "A" to the switch (box shaped device), and head down. Go down onto the next set of arrows. Then up onto a set of arrows. Move one space up, one space left, and one space down. This will bring you to another trainer. Flip the switch, and ride on the very first set of arrows again. This will put you in front of a trainer. Step on the arrow to the left of where you are, and you'll fight another trainer. Flip the switch, and go back to the beginning. If you did everything right, then you will be able to ride all the way to the end, where you'll meet the twin gym leaders.
They're Tate and Liza, and they're ready to battle with a lv. 42 Lunatone and a lv. 42 Solrock. Of course, you'll be forced to send out two Pokemon. The two weird looking Pokemon are quite hard to defeat, so be careful! For winning, they'll give youTM04 - Calm Mind. The Mind Badge is also yours. It enhances the Special Attack and Special Defense of your Pokemon, and lets you use Dive outside of battle. Get out of the gym by stepping on the teleporter, and getting out of the gym. Now it's time for some diving!
Locations (Mossdeep City)
  • Magikarp
  • Pelipper
  • Sharpedo
  • Tentacool
  • Wailmer

Heal your Pokemon and exit the city by taking the second staircase south of the city. Surf until you see dark waters. Now you can dive underwater. It's a lot darker down here, as you can see in the screenshot. Follow to path down until you reach a cave with a submarine in it. Enter the cave and resurface by pressing "B". You'll be at the Seafloor Cavern when you do resurface, and a difficult puzzles awaits you after the entrance.
Locations (Route 127)
  • Magikarp
  • Pelipper
  • Sharpedo
  • Tentacool
  • Wailmer
  • Wingull
Locations (Route 126)
  • Chinchou
  • Clamperl
  • Magikarp
  • Pelipper
  • Relicanth
  • Sharpedo
  • Tentacool
  • Wailmer
  • Wingull
The first thing you'll see are some boulders. Push them away using Strength, and keep on going up. In this next chamber, move the rocks around to get to the entrance to the left. Surf up, then right, then right, then left. Get onto the land, and enter the entrance. Try to get through all the boulders, and a Team M/A Admin will challenge you to a battle. Continue by going on to the next chamber, where the hardest puzzle lies.
The hardest puzzle really isn't that hard, so getting through it shouldn't be a problem. After getting through that, continue on, and you'll find TM 26 - Earthquake. Go all the way down. You'll see the sleeping Groudon (for Ruby)/Kyogre (for Sapphire). There, you'll fight Team M/A's leader. After defeating him, the Reb/Blue Orb will glow, and the legendary monster will come to life! You will be taken outside, where the weather changes according to the version you own. In Ruby, there is a strange dry, shining effect all over Hoenn. In Sapphire, there are thunderstorms. In addition to that, all towns' and routes' music have been stopped. Steven will come to talk to you, and will leave. After that, head north, and then west. When you get to the dark waters of Route 126, dive into the sea. In order to put the world back in peace, you must catch Groudon/Kyogre!
Locations (Seafloor Cavern)
  • Golbat
  • Tentacool
  • Wailmer
  • Zubat
It looks a bit different here. To battle an underwater wild Pokemon, go through the seaweed. You'll find many dark circles underwater. They turn out to be hidden items. As you continue to explore, you'll notice a large piece of land in the water. Go to the very south of it, and go into the cave. Resurface, and you'll be at Sootopolis City.
Quite Large
Sootopolis City is quite large, and shaped like a ball. To the west of the city is the PokeMart and some buildings. To the right of the city is the Pokemon Center and some buildings. At the center of the city is the Gym. What you want to do now is go from the PokeMart's side (west) and go to the north of the city. There you'll meet Steven and his friend, Wallace. Wallace is also the Gym Leader. They'll take you to a cave known as the Cave of Origin.
Locations (Sootopolis City)
  • Gyarados
  • Magikarp
  • Tentacool
You'll need to use Flash in order to see more of the screen. As you walk deeper, you'll encounter some fog, and then HM 07 - Waterfall. Also as you go, the legendary monster roars over and over again, rumbling the cave as it does. In the last room, you'll meet the creature of your version, Groudon for Ruby, and Kyogre for Sapphire. Go near them, and your Orb will glow, and the Pokemon will battle you!
They are lv. 45, and are quite strong. I suggest that you don't use your Master Ball on it, since there are more legendaries later on in the game. First save the game, so you can always try to catch it again if you messed up. Try to put it to Sleep, or get its HP real low. Then throw an Ultra Ball. After catching it, get back outside. You'll find that the world has been restored to how it used to be.
Locations (Cave of Origin)
  • Golbat
  • Mawile
  • Sableye
  • Zubat
Now go to the Pokemon Center, and heal your Pokemon. Then go into the house right next to it for a Wailmer Doll. After that, surf across the water to the other side. In one of the houses there, a Blackbelt will give you TM 31 - Brick Break. Finally, it's time to get your last badge. Surf to the gym in the center of the city, and get ready to rumble!
Final Badge
Steven will talk to you first, and then fly away. Go inside the gym, where your final gym battle awaits you. This gym is filled with trainers with Water Pokemon, and a hard ice puzzle. To walk around on the ice, you must touch every part of the ice (make it crack) with your feet only once, or you'll fall to the room below, where many trainers await you. In order to get through without falling, please following this guide once you touch the first piece of ice, and save each time you complete a puzzle:
  1. 1 step right, 1 step up, 2 steps left, 1 step up, 1 step right, and climb the stairs.
  2. 1 step up onto the ice, 3 steps left, 2 steps up, 2 steps right, 1 step down, 3 step right, 1 step down, 1 step right, 2 steps up, 3 steps left, and climb the stairs.
  3. 1 step up onto the ice, 2 steps right, 1 step up, 2 steps right, 1 step down, 1 step right, 3 steps up, 2 steps left, 1 step down, 1 step left, 1 step up, 1 step left, 2 steps down, 2 steps left, 1 step down, 1 step left, 1 step up, 1 step left, 1 step down, 1 step left, 1 step up, 1 step left, 2 steps up, 1 step right, 1 step down, 1 step right, 1 step up, 1 step right, 1 step down, 1 step right, 1 step up, 1 step right, and climb the stairs.
After all that, you can battle the gym leader. He's Wallace, and you've just met him a while ago. Now you're going to battle him for your final badge. He has the following five Pokemon: a lv. 40 Luvdisc, a lv. 42 Whiscash, a lv. 40 Sealeo, a lv. 42 Seaking, and a lv. 43 Milotic. The last Pokemon, is of course, the hardest to defeat. Milotic knows Recover, so knock it out quickly! After winning, you'll receive TM 03 - Water Pulse and the Rain Badge. Now all Pokemon will obey you, and you can now use Waterfall outside of battle! Leave the gym simply by falling through the ice.
You've done it. You've traveled and collected all eight gym bagdes. Your final destination now is the Pokemon League in Ever Grande City. Leave Sootopolis City by diving at the dark waters south of the city. Get out of the small cave, and resurface. Go east, and then south onto Route 128.

As you go south toward your destination, you'll notice many patches of dark water. Dive down whenever you see one, because there just may be an item underneath. The Protein shown on the left was found by diving into a dark patch of water surrounded by white-colored land. You'll be going south for quite a while. When reach Route 129, start going west.
Locations (Route 128)
  • Corsola
  • Luvdisc
  • Magikarp
  • Pelipper
  • Tentacool
  • Wailmer
  • Wingull
Go west from Route 129. You'll meet some trainers, continue on to Route 130, and find the Sky Pillar in the middle of Route 131. Here, you can try to catch the legendary Pokemon Rayquaza. Sky Pillar will only be open to you after you defeat the Elite 4.
Sky Pillar
Sky Pillar is a kind of secret tower in this game, and contains a vicious looking legendary Pokemon. Enter the cave, and go into the tower. The first floor is pretty simple: just walk up the stairs. You'll find cracks on the floor on the second floor. Use your Mach Bike to get past it. There will be two staircases on the third floor. Take the one on the right to get to the fourth floor. This is the tricky part. The cracks here are hard to get through, as you'll need to cruise through every one of them on your bike in one go. If you stop, the bike will lose it's momentum, and you'll drop down. Go to the middle roughly where the area of the middle stairs in the previous floor, and drop down. From here on, just find your way to the staircases, and everything will work out fine. That is, until you reach the sixth floor, where a legendary Pokemon awaits you. It's a lv. 70 Pokemon: Rayquaza. It is a Dragon/Flying type, and will knock your Pokemon out real quick if you're not careful. Also known as the Sky High Pokemon, Rayquaza is the strongest Pokemon in this game (nearly equivalent to Mewtwo in Red/Blue/Yellow). So you better be careful, 'cause you have a deadly dragon on your hands.
Locations (Route 129)
  • Magikarp
  • Pelipper
  • Sharpedo
  • Tentacool
  • Wailmer
  • Wailord
  • Wingull
Locations (Route 130 & Mirage Island)
  • Magikarp
  • Pelipper
  • Sharpedo
  • Tentacool
  • Wailmer
  • Wingull
  • Wynaut

Pacifidlog Town is a weird looking place. It is a few houses floating on water, connected by logs. There isn't any real meaning to this town until later in the game, when you need to fly here. There's no point in going on to the next routes, which is also known as Ocean Currents. Once you go here, it'll automatically move you. You won't need to go here until later in the game. Now you can Surf east towards Ever Grande City.
Locations (Pacifidlog Town & Route 131)
  • Magikarp
  • Pelipper
  • Sharpedo
  • Tentacool
  • Wailmer
  • Wingull
Victory Road
Once you set foot on Ever Grande City, the first place you want to go to is the Pokemon Center. Heal your Pokemon, and make sure your Pokemon knows Surf, Strength, Flash, Rock Smash, and Waterfall, needed to get through what's coming up next. Then, go into the cave. It's that familiar name: Victory Road.
Victory Road is filled with super tough wild Pokemon and powerful trainers, so you better be prepared. Go straight up, go up the stairs, and cross the bridge. Go up a bit more, fight the trainer, and climb onto the ladder. Use Flash to see more of the screen. Go right, down a bit, and then left. Push the boulder left and the next boulder right using Strength. Continue down the path that was previously blocked. Next, use Rock Smash to break the rock, and go up the stairs. Cross the bridge, and when you step down the stairs, a trainer will challenge you to a match. At the split go down, you will eventually find another ladder going down. Fight the trainer and go up to the water. Surf up a little, and then go up the stairs and take the nearest ladder. In the area, you'll find TM 29 - Psychic. Go back to the water, and surf west until you reach the waterfall. Now go up the waterfall.
There is a hidden Elixir in the empty area to the right. Go on land and walk west. You'll find a trainer and a Full Heal. Continue surfing west, and go down the waterfall. Go east, and climb the ladder. Afterwards, go down. You'll find some rocks that you'll need to either break or push. Smash the first rock, and move the first boulder up. Smash the second rock, and continue north. Climb the ladder. Go up the stairs, corss the bridge, and go north. A trainer challenges you to a battle. Follow the path afterwards. When you reach the top, Wally will challenge you to a battle. He has a total of five Pokemon, and they're pretty strong. I suggest that you save the game before going near the top. Get out of Victory Road and follow the path. You've finally made it to the Pokemon League!
Locations (Route 128)
  • Aron
  • Barboach
  • Geodude
  • Golbat
  • Goldeen
  • Graveler
  • Hariyama
  • Lairon
  • Loudred
  • Makuhita
  • Mawile
  • Medicham
  • Meditite
  • Sableye
  • Whiscash
  • Whismur
  • Zubat

Pokemon League
You'll definitely want to heal your Pokemon once you get into the Pokemon League building. Go into your PC, and draw out any Pokemon you want to use during battle. Stock up on some essential items, such as Full Restore or Revive. After that, save the game in case you lose, and talk to one of the two officials standing by the entrance. Go inside, and get ready to battle the Elite Four!
The first member of the Elite Four is Sidney. He uses Dark Pokemon. His Pokemon are listed below:
  1. lv. 46 Mightyena (Dark)
  2. lv. 48 Cacturne (Dark/Grass)
  3. lv. 46 Shiftry (Dark/Grass)
  4. lv. 48 Sharpedo(Dark/Water)
  5. lv. 49 Absol(Dark)
The second member of the Elite Four is Phoebe. She uses Ghost Pokemon. Psychic attacks will work great with her Pokemon. Her Pokemon are listed below:
  1. lv. 48 Dusclops (Ghost)
  2. lv. 49 Banette (Ghost)
  3. lv. 50 Sableye (Dark/Ghost)
  4. lv. 49 Banette (Ghost)
  5. lv. 51 Dusclops (Ghost)
The third member of the Elite Four is Glacia. She uses Ice Pokemon. Thunderbolts should do the work perfectly well here. Her Pokemon are listed below:
  1. lv. 50 Glalie (Ice)
  2. lv. 50 Sealeo (Ice/Water)
  3. lv. 52 Sealeo (Ice/Water)
  4. lv. 52 Glalie (Ice)
  5. lv. 53 Walrein (Ice/Water)
The final member of the Elite Four is Drake. He uses Dragon Pokemon. Ice Beams will totally destroy his Pokemon. His Pokemon are listed below:
  1. lv. 52 Shelgon (Dragon)
  2. lv. 54 Altaria (Dragon/Flying)
  3. lv. 53 Flygon (Ground/Dragon)
  4. lv. 53 Flygon (Ground/Dragon)
  5. lv. 55 Salamence (Dragon/Flying)
Okay, you've beat every member of the Elite Four. You think you're done now? Not a chance. In every Pokemon game, there's always a Champion at the end. Now's the time to continue walking to battle the Champion: Steven! Below is a list of Steven's Pokemon.
  1. lv. 57 Skarmory (Steel/Flying)
  2. lv. 55 Claydol (Ground/Psychic)
  3. lv. 56 Aggron (Steel/Rock)
  4. lv. 56 Cradily (Rock/Grass)
  5. lv. 58 Metagross (Rock/Bug)
  6. lv. 56 Armaldo (Psychic/Steel)
After beating him, your rival comes in to give you a bit of advice to beat the Champion. But she doesn't know you've already beaten him. Professor Birch also comes, and rates your PokeDex. Steven then takes you into the Hall Of Fame, and records your Pokemon and you into the computer. You're now the new champion! You have almost finished the game, and now the ending credits come up. Sit back and enjoy the beautiful music coming from your Game Boy Advance.
Battle Tower
As I've said, you've almost finished the game. After all the ending credits, you'll be back in your room. Go downstairs and your father will give you an S.S. Ticket. Now fly to either Lilycove or Slateport City, and look for the docks. Talk to the lady, and she'll ask you where you want to go. You'll have two choices: going to the opposite dock (either Lilycove or Slateport, or the Battle Tower. You might want to go to the Battle Tower, where you can battle trainers to get cool items.
Latias and Latios
Now that you've beat the Elite Four, you'll be able to find Latias (Sapphire)/Latios (Ruby) in the wild. This is just like the three legendary beasts from Gold/Silver/Crystal, except there's only one. Now's the time to put the Master Ball to use, because if you see it and lose it, it's hard to find it again. However, you still can find it because once you see Latias/Latios, you'll be able to track them down in your PokeDex.
Back To Meteor Falls
You can also go to Meteor Falls, where Dragon trainers train. Surf up the waterfall by using Waterfall, and look around. You'll find TM 23 - Iron Tail. After seeing an old couple with tough Pokemon, head all the way north, where you'll find Dragon Tamer Nicolas. Hop down the steps to the left now. But before you reach the end, hop left once more to reach the ladder above the body of water. After that, go down the stairs and surf north. Enter the entrance, and continue surfing. You'll find TM 02 - Dragon Claw here. In this small room, you'll also be able to find the Pokemon Bagon.
After beating the league, you can also get a free Beldum from Steven at his house.
Here's one last thing to do. If you had gotten the Root or Claw Fossil as mentioned earlier, you'll be able to obtain a Pokemon. Go to Rustboro City, and go into Devon Corporation, the large building. Go to the second floor, and talk to the scientist on the bottom row. He'll take your fossil, and will be able to ressurect it. Do some more exploring somewhere else, and come back here after a while (make sure you have an empty space in your part of Pokemon), and the scientist will give you either a Lileep for a Root Fossil, or an Anorith for a Claw Fossil.

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