Thursday 26 May 2011

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum Full Walkthrough (Part 2)

The Marsh City
Once in Pastoria City, talk to the girl with the umbrella for a Piplup Mask. Go south of the Pokemon Center and then east to pick up Persim Berries and Nanab Berries. In the house directly south of the Berries, you'll find the Move Tutor. He'll teach your one of your Pokemon a move it would get by leveling up to its current level if you provide him with a Heart Scale. In the house across from the Pokemon Mart, the lady inside will give you a different Berry everyday. After learning Surf, surf across the water in the south side of Marsh City to pick up Mystic Water. Now it's gym time!
Watery Gym
Pastoria City's gym is full of water. Like the previous gym, you have to solve a bit of a puzzle in order to reach the Gym Leader. The gym has walking platforms at three levels with the water level being controlled by three types of buttons. The orange button will lower the water completely, allowing you to access all three levels. The green button sets the water level to the middle, preventing you from accessing the lowest level. The blue button raises the water such that you'll only be able to walk on the top-most level. The water will then raise or lower the yellow connectors between platforms.
First, head to the bottom-left side of the gym and step on the orange button. Go past the green button and go all the way up the stairs. Step on the green button you see. Next, go all the way left and step on the blue button. Head to the top-right side of the gym and step on the green button. Go down one level and step on the orange button at the bottom-right side. Now go to the upper-left side to the top-most level and step on the blue button. Now you'll get access to the Gym Leader.
Crasher Wake, the Gym Leader, uses a lv. 27 Gyarados, a lv. 27 Quagsire, and a lv. 30 Floatzel. He'll award you the Fen Badge and TM55 - Brine for defeating him.
Pastoria Great Marsh
Go to the north of Pastoria City to go to the Great Marsh. This is the Safari Zone of Sinnoh. You pay $500 for 30 Safari Balls, which you use to catch Pokemon while in the Great Marsh. You will definitely want to visit this place at least once so you can get HM05 - Defog from the lady near the entrance. More information regarding the Great Marsh will be up later.
Other Activities
Talk to the Galactic Grunt standing outside of the Great Marsh so he can leave. Head east, and you'll find him still standing there. Talk to him again to really make him go away. Right afterwards, Rival will come over to battle you. His Pokemon are all below lv. 30, so at this point, he shouldn't be too hard to defeat. After that, you can either head west to go through Route 212 (which is pretty much optional) or go back east to continue chasing the Galactic Grunt. We'll first consider going through Route 212 from the west.

Route 212
Route 212 is a straightforward walk westward. First pick up the Berries near the beginning. You'll find TM06 - Toxicnear the marsh area past the two little trees. You can also cut those trees to go across the thin bridge. On the other side, you'll find an X Special. Keep on going west from there until you pick up the Zinc. Keep going west and you'll find some Fishermen. After learning Surf, you can surf west a little and pick up a hidden Protein on the land. To get to the itemball on the small island (which turns out to be a TM), go west a little and cross the thin bridge. If you know Surf, then you can surf across the pond to pick up TM84 - Poison Jab. To go across the other thin bridges, head north and chop the trees. Once you're on the "other side", you can pick up an Antidote near the south. When you can't go west any longer, go north, and it'll stop raining. There's an Elixir partially hidden from view behind a sign. Again, if you know Surf, you can surf across the pond to pick up some Berries.Cut the tree north of the large pond to pick up TM11 - Sunny Day. Along this section, you can pick up Berries and fight two trainers. There are many police officers who will only battle you at night. Here, you'll also find the Pokemon Mansion.
Pokemon Mansion
For now, the two rooms on either end of the Pokemon Mansion are off limits until you obtain the National Dex. However, you still have a lot to do; namely, a lot of items to pick up. Explore every room, and you'll pick up a Great Ball, a Soothe Ball, a Burn Heal (found in a trash can), and TM87 - Swagger. The room straight down the red carpet leads you to the Trohpy Garden, where you can find some Pokemon in the patch of grass.Surf across the pond next to the Pokemon Mansion (if you can) for a Rose Incense. After this, you should fly back to Pastoria City.
Chasing The Grunt
Depending on if you chose to explore Route 212 or decided to ignore that route, you need to go east from Pastoria City to chase the Galactic Grunt you scared away earlier. On the beach on Route 213, you'll find him standing next to a Fisherman, thinking out loud. Talk to him, and he'll go further east. Follow him, and you'll find him again east of the restaurant full of trainers. Talk to him, and again, he'll leave, going north a little. Now he'll battle you after you talk to him once more. After the battle, go north a little and you'll find Cynthia, who'll give you a SecretPotion to clear the group of Psyduck blocking the road on Route 210.

Route 210
Now, fly over to Veilstone City (or you can go north a bit more to get there) and head west from there to get to the Psyduck on Route 210. Getting past Route 215 is a simple matter of hopping over ledges. Go up to the Psyduck to use theSecretPotion you obtained and the Psyduck will disperse. Afterwards, Cynthia will come over to give you an errand. She wants you to deliver an Old Charm to her grandma in Celestic Town.
Go north to continue on Route 210. First grab the Super Repel under the tree on the left side. Within this tall grass, there are three Ninja Boys who you can battle. You'll notice them by seeing abnormal lumps in the grass. At the center of this large patch of grass, you can pick up a Hyper Potion. After the tall grass, you'll find an Ultra Ball in the north-east corner of the regular grass. As you go north, you'll encounter some really thick fog. You might want to use Defog to get rid of it. Head north-west. Go up the two sets of steps. After learning Rock Climb, climb east-ward (down and then up), and battle the Dragon Tamer. Inside the house you see, an old lady can teach your Pokemon a Dragon-type move. Go west a little and down the stairs to pick up a hidden Nugget on the ground. Now go climb back to where you were originally.
Go all the way west by crossing the regular bridge and thin bridge, fight the Ninja Boy, and go south to pick up TM30 - Shadowball. Go back east a little and head south now. Pick up the Smoke Ball and continue west. After battling the Veteran, head north a little to pick up a bunch of Berries. If you keep heading west, you'll reach Celestic Town.
The Past Lives
Celestic Town is quite small and quite easy to navigate. Go into the Pokemon Center to obtain a Great Ball from the man inside. The Blackbelt in the house west of the Pokemon Center will give you a Poketch application called the Analog Watch, which is simply a regular, analog watch. Although there's no Pokemon Mart in this town, you can buy and sells items in the house at the north-west corner of town. Inside, the man with the sunglasses will give you BlackGlasses.
Now, go to the center of the city and talk to the Galactic Grunt blocking the cave entrance. You'll battle him and he'll leave afterwards. An old lady, who turns out to be Cynthia's grandma, will come over to talk to you. You'll give her the Old Charm and she'll thank you for it. Now, go into the cave and examine the wall paintings at the other end. The old lady will then walk over to give HM03 - Surf. Keep in mind that you won't be able to use this ability until you obtain your fifth badge from Hearthome City.
Once you leave the cave, the blue-haired man you met earlier in Mt. Coronet (who's name turns out to be Cyrus) will talk to you for a while. Now, head west onto Route 211.

There will be a bunch of Berries to pick up at the beginning of Route 211. Go onto the raised land and talk to the guy facing south for TM77 - Psych Up. After learning Rock Climb, you can smash the rock next to the trainer and climb up the steep rocks. On top is TM29 - PsychicMt. Coronet is to the west, but you won't be able to do much more than pick up an Escape Rope. If that sounds too boring for you, fly over to Hearthome City.
Another option, which is completely optional, is to visit Routes 219, 220, 221 now that you can Surf. I recommend going there now to train your Pokemon. However, you won't be able to go into Pal Park as of yet (where those routes lead to). Even so, you should still go. Below is the guide for those three routes.

To start off on Route 219, fly over to Sandgem Town and head south. Go past the beach and start surfing south. You'll battle two children on land before going on more water. Surprisingly, Route 219, perhaps the shortest route in history, ends here!
Route 220 proves to be longer and more exciting. You'll see a fork in the path. The right fork would be a good choice unless you could care less to battle only one trainer. The left path has a lot more stuff to do. Going down that path, you'll first battle two Swimmers. Go onto land to pick up an Ether. Then go to the other side of the rock to pick up a Splash Plate. It seems like there are more forks. The bottom-most fork will lead you to a single trainer. If you keep going east, you can find aCarbos. Going east further brings you face to face with more trainers and eventually takes you to Route 221.

Route 221
After battling the first trainer on Route 221, pick up the Protein you see on land. Soon, you'll reach solid ground. Battle the Fishman if you wish and then pick up a Honey. If you go up to the north-west corner, you can pick up a Pure Incense. At the north side, you'll find a house deep inside the woods. Show the old man inside a Pokemon at the level he requests (varies daily) and he'll give you a reward. Along the south side of the route, you'll be able to pick up some Berries. Once you reach the end, you can pick up TM81 - X-Scissor. You'll notice that Pal Park is closed and will only open after you obtain your National Dex.
Now, onto Hearthome City.
Back For a Rumble
The only point in coming back to Hearthome City is to fight in the gym. Trainers in the Hearthome Gym uses Ghost Pokemon. Upon entering the gym, walk straight up and let the elevator take you up. This gym contains simple math questions. If you get it right, you get to go to the next level; otherwise, you fight a trainer. Press "A" against the sign to find out the question. If you want to answer the question correctly (you might not want to if you want to battle trainers), choose the door corresponding to the correct answer. After picking the correct door, you'll go through three more of these types of puzzles.
Fantina is the Gym Leader and her Pokemon are relatively powerful. She uses a lv. 32 Drifblim, a lv. 34 Gengar, and a lv. 36 Mismagius. However, they are considerably weaker in Platinum since it comes much earlier. In Platinum, she uses a lv. 24 Duskull, a lv. 24 Gengar, and a lv. 26 Mismagius. However they have a weakness against Dark types and Ghost types. A Pokemon strongly recommended is a Luxray. It can take out her Drifblim with Spark or other electrical attacks, while for the other two use Bite. Fantina�s strategy using Drifblim is using Gust, and Ominous wind. Her Gengar mainly uses Poison Jab. Finally her Mismagius sometimes uses Magical Leafs and Shadow Ball. If your starter was Turtwig and you taught it Bite, plus another good level Pokemon with Bite should be enough. All Pokemon should be lv. 30+. After defeating Fantina, she'll award you with the Relic Badge, which allows your Pokemon to use Surf outside of battle. In Platinum, it only allows you to use Defog outside of battle. In addition, she'll give you TM65 - Shadow Claw.
When you go out of the gym, Cynthia comes to talk to you. Now that you can Surf, there are many previously inaccessible sections you've been to that you can now visit. Details can be found in earlier pages. As Cynthia suggested, you should go to Canalave City, which can be reached by going west of Jubilife City. So, fly over there and go west onto Route 218. Before you do, you might want to pick up the Memo PadMarking Map, and Link Searcher applications for your Poketch at the Poketch Company. Talk to the President, who stands next to the counter on the first floor.

Route 218
The first thing you might want to do on Route 218 is to surf north a little to hop onto land to pick up a Rare Candy. Surf in the south-west direction, pick up a Honey, and battle the two Fishermen. If you go west, you'll reach land and be able to battle some trainers and pick some Berries. Go into the border building, and Professor Rowan's assistant will update yourPokeDex so it can distinguish between male and female Pokemon. On the other side is Canalave City.
Cargo Port
Canalave City is where you'll battle Rival and obtain your sixth badge. First, go into the first house you see, and talk to the girl near the door for TM48 - Skill Swap. The Move Deleter lives in the house across from the Pokemon Mart. He can delete moves you no longer want from your Pokemon; his service is needed to remove any unwanted HMs that you've taught your Pokemon. Before you head across the bridge to get to the west side of Canalave City, be sure to heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center, for Rival awaits you on the bridge.
Rival's Pokemon are all around lv. 30. He even has a new Heracross. After defeating him, as you always do, continue west and go into the Gym.
Fists of Steel
The Canalave Gym supposedly specializes in Steel-type Pokemon, but also uses a lot of Rock-type Pokemon. A Fire/Fighting Pokemon will melt through this Gym without breaking a sweat. However, you might break a sweat trying to get to the gym leader, who can be reached only after getting through the elevator puzzle of this Gym (actually, this is very simple after locating which elevator to take first). Start off by taking the right-most elevator. Follow the path to go down the only available elevator, fight the trainer, and take the only available elevator up. Go across by going left and take the only available elevator. Go across north, fight the trainer, and go right all the way. Go south on the narrow aisle, and go back north. Continue to the only available elevator. Fight the trainer, and go down the only available elevator. The red-bordered elevator will take you to the Gym Leader.
Byron, the Gym Leader (also the father of Roark, gym leader of Oreburgh Gym), uses dual-type Pokemon that are half Steel and half something else. His three Pokemon are: a lv. 36 Bonzor, a lv. 36 Steelix, and a lv. 39 Bastiodon. For defeating him, Byron will award you with the Mine Badge, which allows your Pokemon to use Strength outside of battle. He'll also give you TM91 - Flash Cannon. Once you leave the gym, Rival will meet you outside and ask you to go to the Library with him.
Three Lakes
The Canalave Library is located north of the Gym. Go to the third floor, where you'll find Professor Rowan, Dawn, and Rival. The Professor will talk to the three of you about three legendary Pokemon in three of the lakes in Sinnoh. He and Dawn plan on visiting Lake Verity. He asks Rival to explore Lake Acuity and you to explore Lake Valor. As if there's an earthquake, the building shakes and you hear a loud explosion. The others will rush out the building to see what happened. Follow them outside. A Sailor comes over and notifies the four of you that the tremor was the result of an explosion at Lake Valor. Rival rushes off and so should you! Time to check out what happened at Lake Valor!

Lake Valor
Valor Lakefront (the area around Lake Valor) is situated between Veilstone City and Pastoria City, so you can fly to either city to get to the lake. You might remember that you've actually gone past the entrance, which was previously blocked by two men. Now that these men are gone, you can explore inside.
Inside, you'll find an empty lake bottom filled with splashing Magikarp and a few Galactic Grunts standing around. Fight two of them if you wish to and enter the cave at the center of the lake. Inside, Commander Saturn, a Team Galactic boss, will battle you. After the battle, Commander Saturn will retreat from Lake Valor, telling you that Commander Mars is at Lake Verity. Now, fly over to Twinleaf Town to get to the other lake.

Lake Verity
From Twinleaf Town, go north-west to get to Lake Verity. Professor Rowan will talk to you once you enter the lake, asking you to help out Dawn. You'll find her facing off with Commander Mars, whom you will battle again (you had battled her once before). After defeating her, she'll give you some details on what Team Galactic did, which is that they captured the three legendary Pokemon Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie. Now you need to visit Lake Acuity, located at the very north of Sinnoh. To get there, you'll need to go through Mt. Coronet. Fly over to Eterna City and head east to Mt. Coronet.
Mt. Coronet
Inside Mr. Coronet, first use Strength to push the boulder to obtain TM69 - Rock Polish. Go east, then north, and push the boulder north to get it out of your way. Smash the rocks on the left for a Rare Candy. Continue north-west and go down the entrance. Now, you'll need to use Defog to get rid of the thick fog. Smash the first rock you see for a Stardust. Surf a bit east on the water for a Light Clay on the small piece of land. Go back onto land, go down the second set of steps, and go north for a Soft Sand. Keep on going and go east, down the next set of steps. Surf east or smash the rock for a Max Elixir. Push away the first boulder you see for a Revive. Go south-east for a Full Restore. Now, go back to where you were before going down the steps, and continue north until you exit the mountain onto Route 216. Note that right before you exit, you'll see two boulders; there is a HP Up between them.

Route 216
Surprisingly, it's snowing on the other side of the mountain on Route 216. It's quite beautiful, but on some areas, you sink into the deep snow, making it difficult for you to walk around. Take the steps, go across the bridge, and pick up the Ice Heal on the north end. Follow the bridges all the way west for a nice detour from the deep snow you would go through otherwise. Keep going west, and you'll see a Snowbound Lounge, where you can heal your Pokemon by sleeping in the bed. Go north from there and you'll reach Route 217.

Route 217
The snow here gets really, really heavy. The snow at some areas will sink you up to the neck, slowly you down further. You can typically speed up if you walk for a bit and stop walking. Route 27 is quite wide, making it even more difficult to explore this route. You'll find a half-covered Iron in the center of the road. North-west of that, you'll find a house and TM07 - Hail laying outside. Behind that house, you'll find the very important HM08 - Rock Climb. After getting that, talk to the Hiker in the house for an Icicle Plate. On the north-east side, there's a house in which the girl inside will give you a Spell Tag. Don't continue north from here. Instead, go west, and then head all the way north.

Acuity Lakefront
The snow has finally calmed down on Acuity Lakefront. You'll see two Galactic Grunts blocking the entrance to Lake Acuity; so, come back here later. Go to the very north to pick up an Ultra Ball. Then, head east to enter Snowpoint City.
City of Snow
Snowpoint City is a small, cold, snowy city. Besides trading a Haunter for a Medicham in the house at the north-western corner of the city, the only other point of interest is the Gym, where you'll battle through a bunch of Ice-type Pokemon for your seventh badge. Here we go!
Ice and Snow
The ground of this Gym is made of slippery ice with snowballs as obstacles. You'll have to slide long enough on the ice, gaining enough momentum, in order to break through the snow balls and reach the gym leader. If you don't gain enough momentum and hit a snow ball or slide onto a small patch of snow, you will stop moving.
It looks like a daunting task at first, and if you try to move around, it gets increasingly frustrating. However, keep your goal in sight; that is, you want to reach the Gym Leader, who can be reached if you go straight after going down the first set of steps. There are six snowballs blocking your path. Three of them are tightly packed on the lowest level (which I shall call level 4). Two are on the second lowest level (level 3), on either side of the three snowballs. The final snowball is behind all of the, on the third lowest/second highest level (level 2) So, let's crack these snowballs one by one, starting with the single snowball on level 3 (again, that's the second lowest level).Once you enter the Gym, move forward on the iceless ground as far as you can, just before you touch any ice. Slide to the right, stopping at the snowball, and move up twice to the second snow patch. Slide left and you'll gain enough momentum to crush a snowball on level 3. Clearing this snowball up will give you more room to move around. Now, go onto the snow patch on level 1 by going up the bottom-left steps. You will be using the bottom-left steps every single time, so make sure you know what I'm referring to. It is also shown in the screenshot. Go up one snow patch, hit the wall on the left by taking one step, and slide up one patch. Slide right, and you'll eliminate the last row of the snowballs on level 4. Take the bottom-left steps up to level 1, go down and then right. You should be on the second patch. Slide up to get to the other end of the Gym, take a left, go down, and slide right to smash the level 3 snowball. Slide left and go up the bottom-left steps yet again. Go down one patch and slide to the third patch (one more patch to the right than previously), which is on the right side of the Gym. Slide up, left, and down to get to the patch on level 3. Slide right to smash yet another row. Do the same thing over, going up the bottom-left steps and sliding right; except this time, go another patch to the right (the second patch on the right side of the Gym). Now slide up, step left to the adjacent patch, down, and left to smash another row. Use the bottom-left steps yet again (by now, you should have noticed the pattern, although we're almost finished), but slide all the way up until you hit a snowball. Slide right to smash the final snowball on level 2. You're done! Now all you have to do is use the bottom-left steps to get back near the entrance and go straight for the Gym Leader!
Candice, the Gym Leader, uses a lv. 38 Snover, a lv. 38 Sneasel, a lv. 40 Medicham, and a lv. 42 Abomasnow. Defeating her earns you the Icicle Badge, which allows you to use Rock Climb outside of battle. She'll also give you TM72 - Avalanche. Now it's time to check out Lake Acuity.

Lake Acuity
Go back west onto Acuity Lakefront and enter into Lake Acuity. You'll find Rival and Commander Jupiter by the lake, finishing up a battle and putting each other down. Commander Jupiter leaves for Team Galactic's headquarters in Veilstone City. Rival leaves also. Surf to the north-east corner of the lake to pick up TM14 - Blizzard. Afterwards, fly over to Veilstone City.
Rumble in the Headquarters
The Galactic Veilstone Building (the headquarters) is a tall, black building located at the north-east section of Veilstone City. Talk to your old friend (the Galactic Grunt) outside, and he'll inadvertently leave behind a Storage Key. You can also pick up a PP Up on the left side of the building. Go into the warehouse at the north-west section of the city and unlock the door using your Storage Key. Pick up the Dusk Stone and go downstairs, which leads you to the basement of the Galactic Veilstone Building.
Go straight east and you'll battle a Galactic Grunt, the first of many. Keep on going east, making sure to pick up the Zinc in the room you pass by. At the end of the hallway, go up the stairs. This will take you to a room with one Galactic Grunt who won't battle you, but will tell you about the "warp panels". Continue east up the stairs. In this room, you'll battle a Galatic Grunt and notice two warp panels. Take the right warp panel to pick up TM49 - Snatch. Then go back and take the left warp panel, which will take you to a very small room with a single warp panel. Take that and go up the stairs. Battle the Grunt and take the warp panel on the left. Go downstairs, battle the Scientist, and head down the stairs. Continue west down the hall, and pick up TM36 - Sludge Bomb and the Galactic Key. This key will allow you to unlock any locked doors in the headquarters. Go back to the room where you fought the last Grunt and take the stairs up. Go west, battle the Galactic Grunt, and pick up a hidden Elixir on the machine at the corner. Follow the hallway, unlock the door at the end, and pick up TM21 - Frustration. Now, go back up into the city and enter the actual Galactic Veilstone Building at the north-east section.
Once inside, unlock the door and go up the stairs. Pick up a hidden Full Heal on the machine and head east to battle the two Galactic Grunts. Go into the room and pick up a hidden Ultra Ball on the right machine. Take the bottom-right warp panel outside the room for a Max Revive. Go back into that room and take the warp panel inside. Here, you can heal your Pokemon by sleeping in the beds. Continue up the stairs and pick up another hidden Full Heal on the machine. Go to the end of the hallway and you'll see three warp panels. The middle warp panel will lead you to an Elixir and the one on the left will take you to the boss.
Unlock the door and approach the man inside, who is Galactic Boss Cyrus. After defeating him, he'll give you a Master Ball. Cyrus will leave for Mt. Coronet and tells you to the warp panel ahead to save the Legendary Trio. So, go into the next room and take that warp panel. Go east and then enter the room. Inside are the Legendary Trio trapped inside special cages and Commander Saturn. Defeat him in a battle and you'll be able to free the Pokemon by pressing the button on the control panel. After pressing the button, the three Pokemon will float off, and so will Commander Saturn. To quickly exit the building, go back to where you battled Cyrus, and take the green warp panel out.
Now you want to intercept Cyrus at Mt. Coronet; go there going east from Oreburgh City onto Route 207.
Mt. Coronet
Before going, make sure to stock up on lots of Ultra Balls. Also be sure to have lots of Dusk Balls, which can be found in Pastoria City's Pokemon Mart. The reason is that you'll soon be catching Dialga/Pakia. In addition, you might need (Super/Max) Repels if you don't want to encounter wild Pokemon every few steps. You'll also need a Pokemon that knows Rock Climb. Now fly over to Oreburgh City and head east, entering Mt. Coronet on Route 207.
Surf across the water at the north. Go up the stairs and pick up the Protein. Climb the rocks at the very east and go up the steps. Pick up the Max Potion at the north and also the hidden Ether on the small piece of rock nearby. Go all the way south for an Escape Rope. Go north, then south again. Get outside through the exit temporarily, climb down the rocks, and pick up an Iron. Go back into the mountain and go as far north as you can. Cross the bridge and go south for TM80 - Rock Slide. Go north for a Revive. Now head east to get to the lower level and go inside the cave opening. Go up the steps and you'll be surrounded by three steps on all sides. Take the one on the right for a hidden Max Revive on the southern-most rock. Go back and go north, where you'll battle a Galactic Grunt. Go west and pick up the hidden Super Repel on the corner rock. Fight the Grunt and exit through the south.
Climbing to the Peak
Now you're outside in a snowy environment. The goal now is to climb to the top of Mt. Coronet. Go east, north, and climb the rocks. If you go east into the cave opening, you can go straight up the steps for a hidden Ultra Ball. Smash the rock at the bottom-left corner and pick up the hidden PP Up on the rock that's revealed. Go outside, head west, then south (not through the grassy area). Push the boulder out of your way and continue west. Smash the rock along the way and pick up the hidden Max Potion. Head north and go into the cave opening. Back inside, go straight and climb the rocks. Battle the Galactic Grunt, smash the rock near him, and pick up the hidden Revive. There's also a hidden Ether on a northern rock. Go east, battle the Grunt, and go south a bit to pick up a hidden Escape Rope. Head out again by going east.
Go all the way north for a hidden Rare Candy on the single rock. Go south a bit and go down the steps. Check out the cave opening to battle some Galactic Grunts and pick up a few hidden items, including a Rare Candy hidden in one of the rocks in the lowest level. You won't be able to go into the cave opening blocked by the Galactic Grunt. After they leave later, however, you may go inside to pick up TM02 - Dragon Claw. After that, get out of this cave area.From the outside, climb the rocks westward and head west. You'll find a TinyMushroom hidden on a rock and a Big Mushroom on the northern-most level. You'll soon see another cave opening, which you should enter. On the second rock, you'll find another TinyMushroom. Keep going east and head up the steps. Battle the Galactic Grunt and pick up the hidden Max Potion behind her. If you go south as far as you can, you'll be able to pick up a hidden Stardust on a rock. Fight the Grunt and head west up the steps. As you go north from here, you'll battle one last Grunt before finally reaching the peak of Mt. Coronet.

At the top, you'll battle two Galactic Grunts before you get to the final challenge. Walking forward, you'll find Commander Cyrus, Commander Mars, and Commander Jupiter all in one spot! Commander Cyrus will summon Dialga (in Pokemon Diamond)/Palkia (in Pokemon Pearl). As the beast comes out, you'll see some impressive animation sequences. After Cyrus is done talking, walk forward and Commander Mars will challenge you to a battle. Suddenly, Rival comes over and gets into battle stance with Commander Jupiter. A challenging double battle will ensue (challenging mainly because Rival's Pokemon doesn't seem to help much). After defeating the two of them, Rival will heal your Pokemon and you'll observe Dialga/Palkia forming a galaxy as instructed by Cyrus. Luckily, the Legendary Trio will arrive to mess up his plans. Furious, Cyrus will battle you one-on-one with some pretty powerful Pokemon. After defeating him, the Team Galactic will leave, and Professor Rowan and Dawn will come. Professor Rowan tells you to help Dialga/Palkia out and the way to do that is to capture it (or defeat it)! The time has come...
Before going for Dialga/Pearl, save your game! Also, note that you should NOT use your Master Ball. This Pokemon is easier to capture than other legendaries in the game. Dialga/Palkia is at lv. 47 and it's very strong. Dialga is a Steel/Dragon-type Pokemon and Palkia is a Water/Dragon-type Pokemon. Try to get its HP as low as possible and throw Ultra Balls and Dusk Balls at it (while listening to the wonderful background music). Once you have captured it, Professor Rowan will come over to praise you on your incredible feat. Afterwards, go all the way north to pick up either the Adamant Orb (Diamond) or Lustrous Orb (Pearl), which powers up Dialga and Palkia, respectively.
Now, you'll be able to catch the Legendary Trio by re-visiting the three lakes. Be sure to have plenty of Dusk Balls, since these are the best types of Balls to use on these legendaries.

Mesprit at Lake Verity
Surf to the south-west section to pick up TM38 - Fire Blast. Then, surf to the center of the lake and go into the cave. Inside, you'll see Mesprit. Press "A" against it and you'll see a picture of it, which will be logged in your PokeDex. Unfortunately, it'll fly away immediately. Professor Rowan then comes running over to tell you to use the Marking Map on your Poketch to track Mesprit's location. Like the Legendary Beasts of Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal, you'll have to walk in the grassy areas where Mesprit is detected in hopes of encountering it. Note that if you encounter it, Mesprit will flee immediately after you make any move. So, if you want to capture it, you probably should prevent it from fleeing, using a move such as Mean Look.

Azlef at Lake Valor
Surf to the south-east section to pick up TM25 - Thunder. Then, surf to the center of the lake and go into the cave. Unlike Mesprit, Azlef will actually battle you; in other words, you can capture it right now! However, be careful, since this Pokemon is quite strong (lv. 50 with high damaging moves) and harder to catch than Dialga/Palkia.

Uxie at Lake Acuity
If you haven't done so already, surf to the north-east section to pick up TM14 - Blizzard. Once again, go into the cave at the center of the lake. Inside, you'll be able to catch the lv. 50 Uxie.

After all of that, we shall continue through the game. You only have one more Gym and the Elite 4 to take care of before the end of this wonderful game (of course, there's lots more stuff to do afterwards). Fly over to Pastoria City and go east, past the hotel. When you're on Valor Lakefront, continue east past the part that was previously blocked by a fat guy, and you'll arrive on Route 222.

There are tons of trainers to battle on Route 222, many of them optional. This is because there is a fork in the route. The northern fork has more trainers that you'll be forced to battle with, while the southern fork has optional Fishermen. Take either, or both, since both forks eventually combine. On the north side, you can get a whole bunch of Berries at the beginning. Other than battling trainers, you'll be able to pick up a Honey, a hidden Ultra Ball, and a Carbos (very east side of the northern fork after cutting a tree). Also, talk to the person facing south for TM56 - Fling. At the end of the south side, smash the rock and go onto the raised area to pick up a hidden Honey. If you surf east a little and get back on land, you can pick up a hidden Big Mushroom.
The forks soon combine and you'll arrive at Sunyshore City.
Solar Powered!
Once you get to Sunyshore City, you will be approached by a red-haired man. He turns out to be Flint, one of the Elite Four. He wants you to defeat the Gym Leader in a hot battle so it'll make him enthusiastic about battling again (he's currently too good for the few challengers he gets, and is bored of winning).
To get to certain areas in this city, you'll have to use to large solar panel roads. Take the stairs up and go all the way east. Go down the stairs to pick up aThunderstone. If you feel like exploring, get back onto the solar panel road and go north, then a bit south. Here, you'll find the Pokemon Mart and the Sunyshore Mart, where you can buy Seals for your Balls. Otherwise, go south-east into the Vista Lighthouse. Talk to the Gym Leader inside to make him go back to his Gym. Prepare for your final Gym battle and head over to the north-west section of the city to get to the Gym.
Electrifying Experience
Upon entering the Gym, you'll see the marvelous result of the Gym Leader's renovation: a gear puzzle with red, green, and blue switches. The green switch rotates a gear 90 degrees counter-clockwise, the blue switch rotates a gear 90 degrees clockwise, and the red switch rotates a gear 180 degrees clockwise. Gears that rotate will rotate any other gears attached to it, including vertical gears that harness bridges.
Once you enter the Gym, step on the right green switch one time and step on the left green switch one time. Follow the path to battle the trainer and go to the next room. Remember, if you ever mess up with the sequence, you can always go to the previous room and come back for the gears to reset. Now, in the second room, step on the blue switch three times. Go up the stairs on the left side, follow the path and step on the blue switch once. Step on the green switch, go to the right side, and go up the stairs. Proceed to the third room. Step on the right red switch once, the left red switch once, and go up along the left side. Step on the green switch once twice and move over to the right side. Step on the blue switch once, go up, and then go all the way down. Step once on the first red switch you stepped on. Now go back up the right side to get to the Gym Leader.
Volkner, so called the "top Gym Leader in Sinnoh", uses a lv. 46 Raichu, a lv. 47 Ambipom, a lv. 47 Octillery, and a lv. 49 Luxray. After his defeat, Volkner seems very happy! He'll give you your eighth and final badge: the Beacon Badge. It allows you to use Waterfall (which you haven't gotten yet) outside of battle. He'll also give youTM57 - Charge Beam. Now it's on to the Pokemon League!
Go to the north of the city, where you'll meet Jasmine, a Gym Leader in the Johto Region. She'll give you HM07 - Waterfall. Now surf north onto Route 223.

Route 223
Route 223 is a sea route that will take you north towards Victory Road. If you go along the left side of the route, you should find a small opening to the left, near a Swimmer. Go inside and go north to pick up TM18 - Rain Dance. Keep surfing north and you will walk onto a shallow area. Battle the Sailor and go north a bit to pick up a Pearl. Now, go to the west side of the large rock and continue north. Use Waterfall to get up the huge waterfall you see. Go into the Pokemon Center to heal your Pokemon and enter Victory Road.

Victory Road
Victory Road is a long cave containing powerful trainers, tough wild Pokemon, and interesting mazes. Almost all the Pokemon you encounter here, both wild and trained, are leveled in the high 40s. To begin, go straight north across the bridge and climb down the rocks. Battle the Psychic at the corner and go north a little bit to pick upTM41 - Torment. Go to the south-east corner to pick up a hidden Ultra Ball on the rock. Now climb back up the rocks where you came down from and go east across the bridge. Head down the steps, head north, battle the Birdkeeper, and continue north across the bridge to pick up a Full Heal. Climb back up the stairs and keep going north across the bridge. Climb down the rocks and head all the way west. Go up the steps and go north. After battling the trainer, keep going north until you hit the dead end. Pick up a hidden Max Elixir on the rock. Go back south a bit and go west up the stairs, leading you to another area.
In this area, you'll be surrounded by a variety of rocks. Go west by smashing the rock and pushing the boulder. Go to the corner to pick up a hidden Full Restore on the wall. Go back near the entrance of this area and head south by smashing the rocks. Push the boulders out of your way and continue west. After battling the trainer, push the left boulder down, smash the rock on the other side, push that boulder back up again, and go east. You'll come up three boulders. Push away the top boulder, battle the Veteran, and head down the steps.
Follow the bridge east and climb down the rocks. Go north, east, battle the Blackbelt, and go down the steps at the end. In this area, surf on the water and battle the Psychic on the narrow strip of land. Surf across the south-eastern body of water, pick up the hidden Pearl on the rock, and head up the stairs for a double battle. Surf all the way west, go up the steps, and pick up a Rare Candy. Go back to the two trainers you just fought and go all the way north. You'll be able to battle a trainer who's pacing back and forth. Go up the tiny waterfall and continue east. Go down the waterfall and pick up TM59 - Dragon Pulse. Go back up the waterfall and battle the Dragon Tamer on land. Go south-west and up the steps, picking up the Big Mushroom hidden on the rock across from it if you wish.
In this area, first head south-west to pick up a Razor Claw. Go back to where the old man stands and go up the steps and follow the path until you reach a fat guy blocking a cave entrance. Pick up the Zinc near him. Now go back to battle to old man and go south until you hit the ledge (don't jump over). Climb the rocks on the left, go west, go up the steps, push the boulders (push the ones on the side before pushing the one in the middle), and pick up TM79 - Dark Pulse. Go back and climb the rocks on the right side to continue. Battle the Dragon Tamer and head north out Victory Road.
You've finally arrived at the Pokemon League!
Pokemon League - The Pinnacle of Trainerdom
Once outside of Victory Road, head north up the large waterfall, and you'll arrive at the Pokemon League. Inside the building, you'll face the Elite Four in battles to put your all the training you've done to the test. Before you approach the person blocking the doorway, heal your Pokemon and stock up on items. A PC is downstairs on the right side if you need to switch Pokemon or anything. Once you're absolutely ready, go up to the person blocking the doorway and Rival will come over to battle you. He's much stronger now than before, so be careful. After defeating him, talk to the person blocking the door, and he'll let you in to battle the first of the Elite Four after verifying all your Gym Badges.

Elite Four Aaron
Aaron specializes in Bug Pokemon.
  • lv. 53 Dustox (Bug/Poison)
  • lv. 53 Beautifly (Bug/Flying)
  • lv. 54 Heracross (Bug/Fighting)
  • lv. 54 Vespiquen (Bug/Flying)
  • lv. 57 Drapion (Poison/Dark)
Elite Four Bertha
Bertha specializes in Ground Pokemon.
  • lv. 55 Quagsire (Water/Ground)
  • lv. 55 Whiscash (Water/Ground)
  • lv. 56 Sudowoodo (Rock)
  • lv. 56 Golem (Rock/Ground)
  • lv. 59 Hippowdon (Ground)
Elite Four Flint
Flint specializes in Fire Pokemon, although only two of them are Fire-type.
  • lv. 57 Lopunny (Normal)
  • lv. 57 Steelix (Steel/Ground)
  • lv. 58 Drifblim (Ghost/Flying)
  • lv. 58 Rapidash (Fire)
  • lv. 61 Infernape (Fire/Fighting)
Elite Four Lucian
Lucian specializes in Psychic Pokemon.
  • lv. 59 Mr. Mime (Psychic)
  • lv. 59 Girafarig (Normal/Psychic)
  • lv. 60 Medicham (Fighting/Psychic)
  • lv. 60 Alakazam (Psychic)
  • lv. 63 Bronzong (Steel/Psychic)
After defeating all of the Elite Four, you still have one more challenge: the Champion. Surpringly, it turns out to be Cynthia. Before you go into the next room, make sure to heal your Pokemon using your items and save; once you walk in the room, you will be forced to battle.
Champion Cynthia
Cynthia uses a variety of Pokemon.
  • lv. 60 Roserade (Grass/Poison)
  • lv. 60 Gastrodon (Water/Ground)
  • lv. 61 Spiritomb (Ghost/Dark)
  • lv. 63 Milotic (Water)
  • lv. 63 Lucario (Fighting/Steel)
  • lv. 66 Garchomp (Dragon/Ground)

After defeating Cynthia, you'll be taken to the Hall of Fame by Cynthia and Professor Rowan. Here, you'll register yourself and your Pokemon, to be recognized as Champions and gain eternal glory. The game will save, the credits will scroll, and you'll go back to Twinleaf Town, where it all began.

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