An Adventure Begins

In the beginning, you watch a television program on the Red Gyarados. In Platinum, Rival comes up and talks to you for a while. Explore your small room while you're still here -- this adventure will take you away from home for a very long time. Go downstairs and you see your mother, who tells you that Rival wants to see you. As always, walk out of your house and see your beautiful, little town -- Twinleaf Town. Your house is at the bottom-right corner and Rival's house is at the top-left corner. As you try to enter his house, he'll come out in a hurry and quickly go back in. Follow him up to his second floor. He tells you he's going to the lake, but doesn't specify his reasons. Interested, you try following him and meet him yet again at the entrance of Route 201. It turns out that he had also watched the show on Red Gyarados and wants to find it.
In Platinum, the two of you bump into Professor Rowan. Tell him you truly love Pokemon twice. Afterwards, Dawn, the girl character (the boy character if you chose to be the girl) joins the three of you, bringing with her a briefcase from which you choose your first Pokemon!
Red Gyarados in the Lake?

Choose Your Pokemon
#387: Turtwig (Grass) |
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#390: Chimchar (Fire) |
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#393: Piplup (Water) |
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At this point, Dawn comes over, seemingly very nervous that she had forgotten about the suitcase and that you and Rival have already used the Pokemon inside. She'll quickly leave with the suitcase and the two of you must also go back. On your way back, you'll see Professor Rowan and Dawn again. Professor Rowan seems a bit upset.
In Pearl, this entire sequence involving going to Lake Verity is deferred (see below). After selecting your Pokemon from the briefcase, Professor Rowan and Dawn will go away, leaving you and Rival for your first Pokemon battles! After this battle, your new Pokemon will likely level up to level 6.

In Platinum, you and Rival will go to Lake Verity at this point. A mysterious Cyrus is seen talking to himself. Rival tries to talk you into trying to catch the legendary Pokemon he's so excited about, but realizes neither of you have PokeBalls. Without being able to do much more here, it's time to visit Professor Rowan.
Route 201
There isn't much on Route 201 except for a lot of wild Pokemon. There is, however, a girl you can talk to on the way who'll give you a Potion. You'll notice that your Pack is neatly divided into Items, Medicine, PokeBalls, TMs & HMs, Berries, Mail, Battle Items, and Key Items. You can take your time now to begin training your Pokemon. Remember, you can always heal your Pokemon by going back to your house and talking to your mom.
Keep on walking north and you'll arrive at Sandgem Town.
Visiting the Professor

After leaving the lab, Dawn will give you a tour around town. In Platinum, she'll give you TM 27 - Return. Now you're almost free to go wherever you want, except you must pay your mom a final visit before setting off on your journey. Before that, however, you should heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center and stock up on items at the Pokemon Mart. Go directly south to Route 219/Sandgem Beach to pick up an itemball containing an Antidote. After that, you should head back to Twinleaf Town.
Goodbye Twinleaf Town!
Back home, your mom is excited to hear that you'll be taking on the great task Professor Rowan had handed to you. She gives you a Journal used for recording your daily events. Rival's mom then comes in and asks you to give a Parcel to Rival, and tells you he's probably gone to Jubilife City. Now it's time to leave your home and begin your journey!
Route 202

City of Joy

Now go to the station past the Poketch Company and talk to the Fisherman inside for an Old Rod. After that, go all the way east. You may want to explore a bit of Route 204 by going north. You can pick up a Parlyz Heal near the pond and also an Antidote in Ravaged Path (the cave). However, you won't be able to go any further than that for now. Go east fromJubilife City to get onto Route 203.
Route 203

City of Energy

Oreburgh Mine
At the entrance of Oreburgh Mine, you can pick up a X Defend, or a PokeBall in Platinum. As you go deeper, you'll see workers and their Machop. You'll find a Potion to the right. Talk to the person who looks different from everyone else. That's the Gym Leader. He'll demonstrate an impressive Rock Smash and then leave. At the far left, you'll find an Escape Rope. Now it's time to go to the gym to fight for your first gym badge!
Rock-Solid Gym

After defeating Roark, he awards you a Coal Badge. This badge allows your Pokemon to use Rock Smash to smash rocks. Additionally, he gives you TM76 - Stealth Rock. Now that you've earned your first badge, first go north to Route 207. Go all the way north through the large patch of tall grass to pick up a PokeBall. Another hidden PokeBall can be found in the empty space on the right. You won't be able to go any further, since you need a Bike to go up the slippery slope. Go all the way west towards Oreburgh Gate. Rival will stop you. He's planning to get to Eterna City through Jubilife City. If you want to do the same, you must go through Oreburgh Gate.
Oreburgh Gate

Team Galactic

Next, you should check out Jubilife TV. On the first floor, you can battle a Reporter with a rather high level Pokemon. On the second floor, a man will give you a Mask of your starter Pokemon. Go into the dressing room on the left and talk to the man standing at the door to dress up one of your Pokemon. Afterwards, its picture is framed on the wall. Now, head north towards Route 204.
Route 204
After learning Surf, you can surf across the pond on the left side for a Sea Incense. You can get an HP Up by surfing across the pond on the right side. As part ofRoute 204, you'll enter a cave called Ravaged Path, which you may have encountered earlier. Smash the rock on the left side to obtain TM39 - Rock Tomb. Also after learning surf, you can surf north to pick up TM03 - Water Pulse and a Luck Incense. Next, smash the rock on the right side and exit the cave. Follow the path provided and you should be able to move along just fine. Pick up the Awakening next to the first trainer and TM09 - Bullet Seed past the Twins. After learning Cut, you can cut down the tree east of the Twins and talk to the person inside for TM78 - Captivate. Then you'll arrive at Floaroma Town.
Town of Flowers

Route 205
There are two Berries for you to pluck right away: Chesto Berry and Pecha Berry. Then, you'll bump into a little girl asking you to help her father, who is held atValley Windworks by Team Galactic. So, head east to Valley Windworks. You can pick up a Potion outside the building. After learning Surf, you can surf behind Valley Windworks to pick up TM24 - Thunderbolt. Battle the Galactic Grunt blocking the entrance to the building. Afterwards, he'll lock himself inside the building with aWorks Key, and tell you that his pals in Floaroma Town have the other key. Go back into the northwest section of town in the flower patch and go in between the trees, where the two Team Galactic members were standing before.
Floaroma Meadow

Valley Windworks

Now that you've gotten rid of Team Galatic for the moment, head west onto Route 205 and cross the bridge. As you walk north and battle trainers, you'll pick up a X Attack, a PokeBall, and two Berries. Before you get to the Berries, you can find a hidden Antidote in the center of the tiny raised platform. After that, you'll pick up a Repel and a Super Potion. The lady inside the little red house can heal your Pokemon. Keep on going north, and you'll enter Eterna Forest.
Fuego Ironworks

Eterna Forest

Upon entering the forest, a girl named Cheryl will ask to walk with you due to fear of Team Galatic. As you battle trainers inEterna Forest, she'll battle alongside you, using a lv. 15 Chansey. Her Chansey heals your Pokemon after every battle. First, go west a bit to pick up an Antidote, which you'll probably need in a forest filled with Bug and Poison type Pokemon. Go back to where you started and head north. You'll have a double battle with a Bug Catcher and a Lass. Pick up the Parlyz Heal and you'll have another double battle with Psychics by going south. You'll find a Great Ball at the end. Go all the way east and pick up a Potion. Go all the way north. Along the way, you'll find a Honey that's covered by the tall grass. In Platinum, Cheryl gives you a Soothe Bell at the end for walking with her.
After learning Cut, you can cut the tree and explore the Old Chateau. Beside the creepy looking house is an Ether. After entering this haunted mansion, go straight into the door under the staircase. The trash can in the left room contains an Antidote. Go back and go up the stairs and go into the room on the left to pick up an Old Gateau. Now go through the center door, which leads you to a long hallway of rooms. The first room contains a Dead Plate and the last room contains TM90 - Substitute.
Get out the mansion and go east a bit to exit the forest.
Almost There...
After exiting Eterna Forest, you'll continue your journey on Route 205. There are plenty of Berries to pick up behind the pond and a hidden Honey in the empty square next to them. Go south past the bridge with all the Fishermen to pick up a Potion, or a Guard Spec. in Platinum. Finally, you'll arrive at Eterna City!
History Living

In the Eterna Condominiums next to the Pokemon Mart, you can change your Pokemon's name with the help of the Name Rater (the old man on the first floor). The little kid on the same floor will trade you a Chatot for a Buizel. An old lady on the second floor will give you TM67 - Recycle. Now check out the gym at the southern end of the city. Before you go inside, you might want to pick up a Super Potion behind the gym.
Mowing the Lawn

After you've defeated all four trainers, the Gym Leader, Gardenia, will appear on the green platform at the north end of the gym. She uses a lv. 19 Cherubi, a lv. 19 Turtwig (lv. 20 in Platinum), and a lv. 22 Roserade. In Platinum, she has a lv. 20 Turtwig, a lv. 20 Cherrim, and a lv. 22 Roserade. A Fire-type Pokemon should easily take care of Gardenia's Pokemon. Another good strategy is having a Kricketune and a Staravia. You should already have your starter evolved and all your Pokemon at lv. 16+. If you chose Piplup, you can use Peck. Using Kricketune, you can use Fury Cutter. For Staravia, you can use Wing Attack. To finish Roserade, you can use a Kadabra, and use Confusion. Gardenia awards you the Forest Badge after her defeat, which allows you to use Cut outside of battle and allows traded Pokemon up to lv. 30 to obey you. She'll also give you TM86 - Grass Knot.

Once you defeat Jupiter, Team Galactic will leave the city. It turns out that you've saved the owner of the Bicycle Shop. Now you can go to the Bicycle Shop south of the Pokemon Center to pick up your free Bicycle. This new type of Bicycle has four gear modes that you can shift among by pressing "B". In Platinum, Cynthia, who you met earlier, will give you a Togepi Egg. Now, ride your new Bicycle east onto Route 211.
Route 211
After you can Surf, go north of the first body of water you see to pick up a hidden PP Up in the small piece of land at the corner. In the large patch of tall grass, you can find a hidden PokeBall in top-most empty spot. There's also a hidden trainer in the bump that you'll see. Keep on going east, smash the rock, battle the Birdkeeper, and pick up TM12 - Taunt. You can check out Mt. Coronet (although you won't be able to go too far without Strength) for some items. There is a Revive(EnergyPowder in Platinum) hidden in the first rock that you see and an Elixir in another rock. For now, this is as far as you can go, so now go back to Eterna City and go all the way south to Route 206.
Route 206/Cycling Road

Right outside are a couple of Razz Berries. You may want to cut the tree on the right side to explore a bit more land by going north. You'll be able to pick up a Burn Heal, some Rawst Berries, and a Super Repel. If you go all the way north, you can explore Wayward Cave, although it's very hard to do without Flash. Now go back south to get to Route 207.
Route 207
Dawn will come to say hi, and will give you an Vs. Seeker (it doesn't matter which hand of hers you choose). This item allows you to battle trainers you've fought before over and over again. In addition, she'll give you a Dowsing Machine for your Poketch, useful for locating invisible items. To the left, there are four Bluk Berries to pick. The others are growing, so you can only water them. If you go south a bit, you'll see the slope you saw earlier in the game. From here, you can quickly get back toOreburgh City to heal your Pokemon. Your Bike can get you back up the slippery slope. Now go east, pick up the Super Potion, and go into Mt. Coronet. Optionally, you can take the road behind the hill to battle additional trainers and pick up a Dire Hit.
Mt. Coronet

Route 208
You'll be on Route 208, fighting more trainers. After you get Rock Climb, you should take the bridge across the waterfall and climb up the rocks. A Hiker will battle you at the top. Then, smash the rock at the top and pick up the hidden Iron on the wall. Walk around and you'll find a X Speed and a PokeBall. In the tall grass patch, you'll find a Honey in the empty spot next to the honey tree. A trainer next to that tree will give you an Odd Keystone. Go up a bit for many Berries. The Berry Master's House is right next to those Berries. The Berry Master inside will give you a different Berry each day. The little girl will give you a Berry Searcher application for your Poketch, which shows you the locations of ripe Berries. The other girl sells fertilizer.
Keep going east and you'll arrive at Hearthome City.
Warm & Kind

The Gym Leader of this city's Gym, Fantina, stands outside of the Contest Hall (north of the PokeMart). Talk to her and she'll go away. Unfortunately, she didn't go back to her Gym, so you won't be able to get a badge from her for now. Now you can go into the Contest Hall. Surprisingly, your mom is in there with Keira. Keira will give you a Glitter Powder for yourFashion Case. You'll also get a Tuxedo from your mom. Talk to the man straight ahead for a Mild Poffin. In Platinum, Fantina is actually inside the Contest Hall. After your mom leaves, talk to Fantina, the purple-haired woman, and she'll actually go back to the gym. So now head to the gym for your third badge! Unfortunately, in Diamond or Pearl, the gym comes later in the game, so you can either try out the contests or leave the city.
Third Badge in Platinum
The Hearthome Gym in Pokemon Platinum consists of a couple of rooms with trainers. To get to the next room from the current room, simply go to the red door with the same pattern as the blue mat on the floor. The details of the battle with Fantina are on a separate page.

Route 209

Lost Tower
Lost Tower is filled with Ghost and Dark Pokemon. If Platinum, you'll have to revisit Lost Tower after obtaining Defog later. Go up the levels while battling trainers and picking up the following items: Oval Stone, Revive, and TM27 - Return. On the top floor, you'll see two old ladies. The one on the left will give you HM04 - Strength (Spell Tag in Platinum) and the one on the right will give you Cleanse Tag. Note that you won't be able to use Strength until you obtain your third badge. Now you can leave the tower, keep going north, and arrive at the next city.
Free of Worry!

There are three ledges to explore on the east side of town. The left ledge leads you to a useless house. The middle ledge leads you to a house where the lady inside will give you a Seal Case, which is used to store stickers for decorating yourPokeBalls. The right ledge leads you to the Solaceon Ruins, where you'll find trainers, items, and Unown. Right outside, you'll also be able to pick up a PP Up. Inside the Solaceon Ruins, check the top-left staircase for a Repel (a Fire Stone in Platinum). The top-right staircase is much more interesting, as it takes you to a level with more staircases. Now take the bottom-left staircase. Fight the single trainer and go down the bottom-left staircase for anEscape Rope (a Water Stone in Platinum). Continue down the top-right staircase and then the top-left staircase from there. The bottom-right staircase has a Big Mushroom (a Thunder Stone in Platinum). Now go up the top-left staircase and then the bottom-left staircase. Now you'll see four lovely itemballs containing aNugget, a Rare Candy, a Mind Plate, and an Odd Incense. In Platinum, you'll find HM05 - Defog instead of a Rare Candy. Now either use an Escape Rope to get yourself out of here, or, if you feel like it, try to find your way out.
Route 210

Route 215

Hewn From Rock

Veilstone City has a Game Corner where you can gamble and have fun. However, you'll need Coins to do so, and you'll need a Coin Case to store them. The Coin Case can be obtained from a clown in a house in the south-western part of the city. He'll spin a coin and ask you to pick which hand the coin is in; just pick the same hand over and over until you get it. In the house next to that house, the girl inside can give your Pokemon a massage. The bald man standing outside the house to the left will give you TM63 - Embargo. Now you can check out the Game Corner at the south-eastern part of the city.
You can buy 50 Coins for $1,000 or 500 Coins for $10,000. Talk to the two guys near the counter for free Coins. Now you can have a bit of fun on the slot machines. If you get enough Coins, you can go next door to the Prize Exchange to get some items, such as TMs, for your Coins. Note that it is very costly to get stuff here. After you're done exploring, it's time to visit the gym. After learning Rock Climb, you can pick up a Full Incense near the Gym.
Time to Fight
You want to eventually be able to slide the two slides at the very end so that they open up to the Gym Leader. In order to do that, you'll need to move the slides in each of the three columns. First take care of the left column by matching up the slides with the openings of each box. You do this by sliding the slides of both the left column and the middle column back and forth. When the left column is opened up at last, go to the end and push the slide at the very end to the right. Now do the same for the right column, go to the end, and push the slide at the very end to the left. Now all you need to do is push the slides in the middle column to the proper positions (you probably won't need to if you followed the steps here, since everything will naturally fall into place), and you'll be walking straight towards the Gym Leader!
The Gym Leader is Maylene and she uses some powerful Fighting Pokemon: a lv. 27 Meditite, a lv. 27 Machoke, and a lv. 30 Lucario. After defeating Maylene, you'll receive the Cobble Badge, which allows you to use Fly (though you haven't gotten this HM yet) outside of battle. Also, she'll give you TM60 - Drain Punch.
Outside the gym, Dawn asks you to help her get her PokeDex back from Team Galactic. Go north near the entrance to the city, and you'll find two Galactic Grunts facing Dawn. Talk to her to initiate the battle. Dawn will team up with you, using her lv. 25 Clefairy. Together, the Galactic Grunts have four Pokemon and Clefairy won't do too much to help you; so, be prepared. The Galactic Grunts will return Dawn's PokeDex to her after their defeat and she'll head off to Pastoria City. Go into the Warehouse to pick up HM02 - Fly. With Fly, you can now you can move around previously visited areas of Sinnoh much more easily.
Now, go south onto Route 214. Note that there is more than one way to go on from here, but I've decided to go this way since it's the most obvious one.
Route 214
This is a long, grassy route filled with trainers and items. The first items to pick up are the Berries next to the pond. After learning Surf, you can go to the other side of the pond to pick up a Rare Candy. Check out the Ruin Maniac Cave and pick up TM28 - Dig. You can choose to go the regular path through the grass or the mountainous path on the left (or you can go both ways!). If you go the mountainous path, pick up the hidden TinyMushroom in the empty spot in the tall grass where a single trainer is standing. At the end of the mountainous path, you can pick up a Max Potion in the large patch of grass. If you go the regular path, you'll be able to pick up an X Sp. Def and a Big Root. You'll find a hidden Heart Scale in the rectangular patch of grass with an empty spot on the left side. Whichever path you choose, you'll be able to reach Valor Lakefront.
Valor Lakefront

Route 213
Go into the first house you see after going south. Inside, a clown will give you TM92 - Trick Room. After learning Rock Climb, go behind the house across from that house and climb down the rocks. Go into that house and the guy inside will give you the Coin Toss application for your b>Poketch. The trash can contains a Max Revive. If you climb south, you'll be able to pick up a Protein. Then, climb down east, and climb up twice. Pick up the hidden Rare Candy on the wall.
On the west side of the first house on Route 213, you can pick up a PP Up. In the hotel, you'll be able to heal your Pokemon by talking to the lady behind the counter. On the other side, you'll find a Red Shard. Soon, you'll reach a beach where you can battle with two little kids. Head west from here. In the small house you see, Dr. Footstep's House, talk to Dr. Footstep inside to get your Pokemon's footprint checked and receive a Footprint Ribbon. Nearby, smash the rock and pick up TM40 - Aerial Ace. After learning Rock Climb, climb the tall hill on the east side (fat guy standing under it), and pick up TM05 - Roar. Continue west to leave the beach area and pick up the Berries. Finally, you'll arrive at Pastoria City.
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